Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association
The Letter Answering Department Survey Series
Keyword Index A-M   N-Z

In this series, we will survey hundreds of our answers to Bible questions from our Letter Answering Department.  Once we answer a specific Bible question we keep the answer on file for the next time the question is answered.  This series will survey these many letters and their subjects.  Pages are arranged alphabetically by subject.

ABC   DEF   GHI   JKL   MNO   PQR   STU   VWXYZ    Letter Answering Homepage     







NASA Joshua's Long Day ...did NASA find the 'long day"?
National captivity United States and Prophecy               
Near Death Syndrome Death ...what is Near Death Syndrome
New Jerusalem New Jerusalem   ...a description
New Jerusalem New Jerusalem and the wife or bride of Christ the bride of Christ a city or people?
New Zealand Australia and New Zealand in prophecy
Nicolaitans Nicolaitans  ...who are the Nicolaitans that Jesus hates so much?
Noah Noah and the Flood ...was the flood universal or just local as some claim?
Noah and Ham Ham and Noah   ...what took place between Ham and Noah?
Noah's Ark Noah's Ark did all the animals fit on the ark?
Nudity Nudity it inherently wrong  
Numbers 666 - Mark of the Beast and Solomon Solomon a type of the Beast?


Oaths Swearing - taking oaths
Old Testament Christ in the Old Testament ...did the patriarchs know they were talking to Christ
Old Testament Eternal Life and the Old Testament eternal life promised in the Old Testament?                     
Old Testament Jesus Christ and the Old Testament --contradictions?                      
Organ Donations Cremation and Organ Donation                 
Other Sheep "Other Sheep" of John 10:16 ...who are they?
Out of Body Out of Body Experience 2 Corinthians 12:2-3 describing an "out of body" experience?
Overcoming Sin  Overcoming Envy                    


Paganism Cross: Is the Cross a pagan symbol? What is its origin?
Paganism Groundhog's Day   ...does this day have pagan origins?
Paganism Lent ...what are the pagan origins of Lent?
Paganism Valentine's Day  ...what are the pagan origins of this day?
Paganism Witchcraft, Sorcery and Paganism ...what does the Bible say on these subjects?
Paganism Wreathes ...are they of pagan origin?
Palestine & Palestinians Palestine and Palestinians ...who are the Palestinians?  Are their roots back to the Philistines?
Parables Matthew 25 - Parable of the Talents  ...what is the meaning of this parable
Parables Wheat and Tares ...what is this parable about?
Paul 1 Timothy 1:15-16 - "Chief Sinner"                   
Paul Paul ...was Paul ever married?
Paul Paul ...was Paul taught 3 years by Christ?
Paul Ten Commandments ...were they taught by Paul         
Paul and Barnabas Paul and Barnabas  ...what was the problem between them?  Did they ever reconcile?
Passover/Lord's Supper Alternative Passover ...when does this take place?
Passover/Lord's Supper Days of Unleavened Bread and Deuteronomy 16:8 it six days or seven?                    
Passover/Lord's Supper Matthew 26:17  ...explain this verse; when is Passover?
Passover/Lord's Supper Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread explanation                   
Passover/Lord's Supper Should we use wine or grape juice at the Passover/Lord's Supper?                        
Pentagram The Star of David vs. the Pentagram  ...are the Jews using a pagan symbol?
Perdition "Son of Perdition"   ...what does this mean?
Peter Peter ...was Peter a catholic or a pope?  Was Peter the bishop at Rome?
Peter Peter ...what did Peter know about law and grace prior to receiving the Holy Spirit?
Pets Animals and Pets-will they be resurrected?                    
Pharaoh Pharaoh of the Exodus ...did he drown in the Red Sea?
Philistines Palestine and Palestinians ...who are the Palestinians?  Are their roots back to the Philistines?
Piercings, body Tattoos and Body Piercings -what does the Bible say?
Plagues End Time Prophecy   ...explain the seals, trumpets and plagues of Daniel and Revelation  
Plan of God After the Millennium ...then what?          
Plan of God Garden of Eden ...why would God put the garden in Satan's world?                  
Plan of God Romans 2 ...are the Gentiles to perish?                 
Plan of God Sabbath does the Sabbath show the Plan of God?   
Plan of God The 7,000-Year Plan   ...does the Bible support this idea?         
Polygamy Monogamy & Polygamy   ...Is monogamy established in the Bible
Poor in Spirit Poor in Spirit ......what does it mean to be poor in spirit?
Pope Peter ...was Peter a catholic or a pope?  Was Peter the bishop at Rome?
Porneia Marriage: Divorce and Remarriage ...will I be able to remarry?                     
Power 2 Timothy 1:7   ...what is the meaning of the words, "power" and "sound mind"?
Prayer Prayer:  ...can we pray for our enemies and other non-members?
Prayer Prayer  ...should we pray to God or only to Christ?
Prayer Prayer:  ....what are the effective elements of prayer?
Prayer Prayer of Jabez  ...does this prayer have inherent power?   
Predestination Romans 8:30 –Predestination, call, justification and glorification                       
Prescriptions drugs Drugs and the Bible                    
"Present with Lord" "Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord"  ...what does this mean?
Pride Pride ...what is it?
Promises of God Eternal Life and the Old Testament eternal life promised in the Old Testament?                   
Prophecy 1 Corinthians 13:8 "Prophecies, they shall fail"  ...what does this mean?
Prophecy Australia and New Zealand in prophecy
Prophecy Christ ...what will the return of Christ be like?
Prophecy Dry Bones                     
Prophecy End Time Prophecy   ...explain the seals, trumpets and plagues of Daniel and Revelation   
Prophecy Jacob's Trouble I to prepare food stores for the Great Tribulation?
Prophecy Jacob's Trouble ...contemplations for facing the Great Tribulation
Prophecy Jacob's Trouble   ...Where in your booklets does it speak to “Jacob’s Trouble”?   
Prophecy Matthew 10:23 ...what is the meaning of this verse?
Prophecy Matthew 25 - Parable of the Talents  ...what is the meaning of this parable
Prophecy New Jerusalem   ...a description            
Prophecy Prophecy ...Revelation 16:13 ...what are the three frogs?
Prophecy Rapture  ...what is the origin of this false doctrine?
Prophecy Revelation 12:4-5  ...whom is the woman being referred to in these verses?  
Prophecy Revelation 14:6  ...when and where does this take place     
Prophecy The EU and WEU ...what is the WEU?
Prophecy The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse   ...who or what are they?     
Prophecy The Marriage Supper ...where and when does this take place?    
Prophecy The Red Heifer ...what does this have to do with prophecy?
Prophecy The Two Witnesses ...what do we know about them                    
Prophecy United States and Prophecy                     
Prophecy USA and Israelitish nations, destruction of                    
Prophecy White Horse of Revelation 6 this Christ or the false prophet
Prophet John 1:21 ..."That Prophet"               
Protection Tribulation  ...who is going to live and die among the saints in the tribulation?  Which church will God protect?
Purgatory Purgatory purgatory for real?  Is it biblical?
Pyramid schemes Pyramid schemes ...should a Christian become involved in Pyramid Schemes?


Quick and the dead 1 Peter 4:5-6  ...please explain this verse; "the quick and the dead"
Quotes Famous Quotes about the Bible


Rahab Rahab ...did she have the Holy Spirit
Rahab Rahab ...was her lie justified?
Rainbow Bridge Animals and Pets-will they be resurrected?                           
Raising of Arms Song Service in Services raising of the arms and shouting "Praise the Lord" biblically indicated?
Rapture 1 Thessalonians 4:17  ...does it support the idea of a rapture?                     
Rapture Rapture  ...what are the holes in this doctrine?
Rapture Rapture  ...what is the origin of this false doctrine?
Rapture Revelation 3:10  ...does this verse support the rapture doctrine?
Rebuke 1 Timothy 5:19-21 - Rebuking of an Elder ...wrongly used!                   
Red Heifer The Red Heifer ...what does this have to do with prophecy?
Red Sea Pharaoh of the Exodus ...did he drown in the Red Sea?
Relationship Closeness to God
Relationship to God Relationship to God there such a thing as being more acceptable to God?   
Religions Christians in Other Churches --are they worshipping the true God?
Remarriage Marriage: Divorce and Remarriage ...will I be able to remarry?                   
Repentance Forgiveness and Repentance ...what does your church have on the subject of Forgiveness and Repentance?
Repentance Repentance ...what is it?  How many time can I repent of the same sin?
Resurrection Aborted Babies   ...will dead or aborted babies be in the resurrection of the dead?    
Resurrection Animals and Pets-will they be resurrected?                         
Resurrection Baptism for the Dead - is this a biblical concept?                              
Resurrection Dry Bones                   
Resurrection Mark 16:9 and Luke 24:21 they support a Sunday resurrection? 
Resurrection Resurrection  ...what is the meaning of Revelation 1:7?
Resurrections Resurrections   ...please explain the three resurrections and plan of God
Resurrections Second Resurrection long is this White Throne Judgment?
Resurrections Second Resurrection there marriage in the Second Resurrection period?
Return of Christ Christ ...what will the return of Christ be like?
Return of Christ Matthew 10:23 ...what is the meaning of this verse?
Return of Christ Return of Christ we join Christ in the fighting He does at His return?
Return of Christ Return of Christ ...does a person about to become a spirit being need special training?
Return of Christ Two Witnesses and the Return of Christ
Revelation Tribes of Dan and Ephraim ...why are they not mentioned in the 144,000 of Revelation?
Rich Man Lazarus and the Rich Man ...does man go to heaven when he dies?
Rings Wedding Rings   ...Is there anything in the Bible that would prohibit wedding rings?
Rome Peter ...was Peter a catholic or a pope?  Was Peter the bishop at Rome?
Rods  Water Divining/Divining Rods [Dowsing] this of God?                           
Rulers Kings, Rulers do they come to rule?


Sabbath Land Sabbath and Jubilee Year  [as it relates to land rest]
Sabbath Sabbath ...100 facts concerning the Sabbath question
Sabbath Sabbath ...children and school sports
Sabbath Sabbath ...does Acts 20 support Sunday Worship?
Sabbath Sabbath ...eating in restaurants
Sabbath Sabbath does one keep the Sabbath when he owns or runs a dairy farm?   Note: Good study in Theology
Sabbath Sabbath does the Sabbath show the Plan of God?
Sabbath Sabbath it a day of worship or just a day of rest   
Sabbath Sabbath ...what can one do?
Sabbath Sabbath ...what do the Sunday-keeping churches have to say about the biblical authority?
Sabbath Sabbath  ...what does it mean to keep it Holy?
Sabbath Sabbath  ...what is a "Sabbath's Day Journey"?
Sabbath Sabbath  ...what is the impact of the International Date Line on keeping the Sabbath?
Sabbath The Marriage Supper ...where and when does this take place?    
Sabbath Yahweh's Rest ...what does this mean? 
Sabbath/Holy Days Colossians 2:16 ...does it do away with the Sabbath and Holy Days?                     
Sabbath Services Millennium ...what will Sabbath services be like?
Sacrifices Sacrifices in the Millennium              
Salvation Angels ...are they helpers in Salvation?
Salvation Are good people in the world lost to salvation?
Salvation The Body of Christ ...what will be happening to it in the End Time?
Salvation Elect, The ...who are the elect we read of in Matthew 24?                     
Salvation Elect and Very Elect, The...who are the elect, the very elect, the called and the chosen?                     
Salvation Eternal Life and the Old Testament eternal life promised in the Old Testament?                     
Salvation Goats and sheep of Matthew 25 ...whom do they each represent?
Salvation Is Salvation offered to the Gentiles?
Salvation Romans 2 ...are the Gentiles to perish?           
Salvation Romans 14 ...does this chapter do away with Law, clean & unclean meats and the Sabbath?    
Salvation What is speaking in tongues? it required for salvation?
Salvation Process Armor of God                  
Salvation Process Conversion ...who are the converted?                          
Salvation Process Gates, straight and narrow -- Matthew 7:12-14 ...what do they mean?                 
Salvation Process Salvation Process you have a list of principles or fruits of the Spirit?
Salvation Process Salvation Process does it work?
Salvation Process Salvation Process:  Is Falling Away Possible?                     
Salvation Process Salvation Process ...what is the definition of the Salvation Process?
Salvation Process Salvation Process ...what is the relationship between the element of sin and the Salvation Process?
Samuel 1 Samuel 28 ...did Saul see the real Samuel?                       
Sarah Abraham and his marriage to Sarah ...why was this marriage allowed?
Satan Atonement - Who or what is the scapegoat?
Satan Garden of Eden ...why would God put the garden in Satan's world?                
Satan Millennium - Revelation 20  ...explain the sequence of events?   
Satan Murder  ...who was the originator of murder; was it Cain or Satan?
Satan Satan ...can Satan and demons perform miracles?
Satan Satan ...does he know his end?
Satan Satan ...does Satan have limitations?
Satan Satan he stronger than Christ?
Satan Satan ...loosed for a while after the millennium
Satan Satan ...should we be afraid of him?
Satan Satan ...war in heaven?
Satan Satan ...was he a murderer?
Satan Satan ...was he the offspring of Eve?
Satan Satan ...what is his nature?
Satan Satan  ...what is his ultimate fate?
Satan Satan ...where did evil originate?  Satan was originally made perfect, so how did he go into sin?   
Saul 1 Samuel 28 ...did Saul see the real Samuel?                       
Saul Saul did he die?  Do we have a Bible contradiction here?
Saviour 1 Timothy 1 and the term "Saviour"              
Scapegoat Atonement - Who or what is the scapegoat?                    
Scattering Church ...What do you think of the scattering?  What do you think of the independent churches?
Schoolmaster Law ...why is the Law called the Schoolmaster?
Scripture Interpretations of Scripture and the subject of one’s Calling
Seals End Time Prophecy   ...explain the seals, trumpets and plagues of Daniel and Revelation   
Second Commandment Second Commandment ...Are keeping little figurines breaking with this commandment?
Second Death Hebrew 3 and Psalm 95 ...what is the meaning of certain people not entering into God's rest?
Second Death Judas ...did he commit a sin worthy of the second death?
Second Death Salvation Process:  Is Falling Away Possible?               
Second Resurrection Marriage   ...Will there be marriage in the Millennium, 2nd Resurrection and/or Kingdom?
Second Resurrection Satan ...loosed for a while after the millennium
Second Resurrection Second Resurrection there marriage in the Second Resurrection period?
Second Resurrection Who are Gog and Magog?
Secular Holy Days Hannukah   ...why doesn't the ICG keep Hannukah?
Secular Holy Days Lent ...what is the origin of this day?
Sermon on the Mount Poor in Spirit ......what does it mean to be poor in spirit?
Serpent Brass Serpent in the Wilderness   ...was this not against the 2nd Commandment to make?
Serpents Luke 10:19   ...does this verse imply that we pick up poisonous snakes
Services Churches ...order of services
Seven Proofs God ...what proofs are there that God exists?
Seven Spirits Revelation 1:4; 4:5 and 5:6 ...what are the seven Spirits here?     
Sexual affairs Angels:  did they procreate with human women?                            
Sexual affairs Marriage: Divorce and Remarriage ...will I be able to remarry?                  
She bears Elisha and the she bears this incident showing that God is cruel? 
Sheep "Other Sheep" of John 10:16 ...who are they?
Sheep and Goats Goats and sheep of Matthew 25 ...whom do they each represent?
Shots Health-Doctors-Inoculations   ...What does the church say?
Sin Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit ...what is it?
Sin Could Christ have sinned?
Sin John 20:23 ...can man forgive the sins of men?     
Sin Leviticus 15 ...what does this chapter say about sin?
Sin Overcoming Envy           
Sin Salvation Process ...what is the relationship between the element of sin and the Salvation Process?
Sin Sin ...1 John 5:16 - "sin unto death"
Sin Sin ...what is it?
Sin Temptation and Sin ...what is the difference?
Sin Unpardonable Sin ...what is it?
Sin Willful Sinning ... what is it
Sinai, Mount Ten Commandments Effect Before Mount Sinai?   
Sinner, Chief 1 Timothy 1:15-16 - "Chief Sinner"                   
Sixth hour John 19:14 and the Sixth hour the sixth hour noon or midnight?                 
Slaves Jews   ...were they slaves or not [John 8:33]
Slick Argument False Doctrine or Teachings   ...How are firstfruits led astray by false doctrine?
Snakes Luke 10:19   ...does this verse imply that we pick up poisonous snakes
Snakes Why poisonous snakes and spiders and animals of prey?                           
Solomon 666 - Mark of the Beast and Solomon Solomon a type of the Beast?
Solomon & David David & Solomon ...what proof do we have they existed?
Son of God Hebrews 1:5 ...what does "son of God" mean
Son of God Jesus Christ is He referred to as both Son of God and Son of Man?
Son of God Luke 3:38  Son of God ...I thought that only Jesus was the Son of God?
Son of Man Jesus Christ is He referred to as both Son of God and Son of Man?
"Son of Perdition" "Son of Perdition"   ...what does this mean?
Song Service Song Service in Services raising of the arms and shouting "Praise the Lord" biblically indicated?
Sorcery Witchcraft, Sorcery and Paganism ...what does the Bible say on these subjects?
Souls Heaven ...who are the souls under the altar?
Sound  Mind 2 Timothy 1:7   ...what is the meaning of the words, "power" and "sound mind"?
Spanking Corporal Punishment - Spanking                    
Speaking in Tongues What is speaking in tongues? it required for salvation?
Spear John 19:33-34 ...How did Jesus die?  Did Jesus die from a spear?
Spiders Why poisonous snakes and spiders and animals of prey?                           
Spirit Beings Women ...what will be the role of women in the Kingdom of God as Spirit beings? 
Spirit, Critical  How to Identify a Critical Spirit                             
Spirit of Man Spirit of Man and Spirit of God ...what is the difference?
Spirit of Korah Korah ...what is the "spirit of Korah"?  What lessons are there for us today regarding this incident?
Spirit Realm 1 Samuel 28 ...did Saul see the real Samuel?                          
Spirit Realm Angels:  did they procreate with human women?                     
Spirit Realm Ghosts ...are they real?                     
Spirit Realm Ghosts and Spirits ...did the disciples see a ghost in Mark 6:49?                     
Spirits Revelation 1:4; 4:5 and 5:6 ...what are the seven Spirits here?     
Stake Cross: How many times is the word “cross” used in the Bible and is the word “crux” or "stauros"?
Star of David The Star of David vs. the Pentagram  ...are the Jews using a pagan symbol?
Statutes Statutes that were not good - Book of Ezekiel
"Straight and Narrow" Gates, straight and narrow -- Matthew 7:12-14 ...what do they mean?                  
Strong Drink Alcohol   ...what does the Bible say about Alcohol?   
Sunday Mark 16:9 and Luke 24:21 they support a Sunday resurrection? 
Sunday Sabbath ...what do the Sunday-keeping churches have to say about the biblical authority?
Sunday Worship Sabbath ...does Acts 20 support Sunday Worship?
Swearing Swearing - taking oaths
Sword Swords -why did Jesus tell the disciples to buy swords?


Talents Matthew 25 - Parable of the Talents  ...what is the meaning of this parable
Tares Wheat and Tares ...what is this parable about?
Temple The Red Heifer ...what does this have to do with prophecy?
Temple Sacrifices in the Millennium                  
Temptation Temptation and Sin ...what is the difference?
Ten Commandments Second Commandment ...Are keeping little figurines breaking with this commandment?
Ten Commandments Ten Commandments   ...did Jesus ever state the 10 Commandments?
Ten Commandments Ten Commandments Effect Before Mount Sinai?   
Ten Commandments Ten Commandments ...were they taught by Paul
"That Prophet" John 1:21 ..."That Prophet"                           
Thief Heaven and the Thief who died with Jesus ...did he go to heaven that day?              
Thomas Thomas, Gospel of  ...what is your read on the Gospel of Thomas?
"Times of Gentiles" "Times of the Gentiles"  ...what does this mean?
Timothy Timothy and circumcision  ...why was Timothy circumcised?     
Tithing Malachi 3  ...can one rob from God?
Tithing Tithing   ...what items of income do we tithe and which are excluded?
Tithing Tithing, Offerings, Giving   ...what are the benefits to the giver, if any?
Toilet humor Deacons ...How should deacons of God’s church conduct themselves in matters of speech and fellowship?
Tongues The Unknown Tongue ...what is the unknown tongue spoken of in these scriptures.
Tongues What is speaking in tongues? it required for salvation?
Transfiguration The Transfiguration   ...was it a vision or are Moses and Elijah in heaven?
Transfiguration The Transfiguration: Moses, Elijah and Jesus  ...does this prove we go to heaven?
Trees Eden, trees of explained.                 
Trees The two trees in the Garden of Eden
Trials & Tribulations Comfort in Trials and Tribulations
Tribe of Dan Tribes of Dan and Ephraim ...why are they not mentioned in the 144,000 of Revelation?
Tribe of Ephraim Tribes of Dan and Ephraim ...why are they not mentioned in the 144,000 of Revelation?
Tribulation Tribulation long is the Great Tribulation?  When do the Heavenly Signs take place?  Explain the Day of the Lord.
Tribulation Tribulation  ...who is going to live and die among the saints in the tribulation?  Which church will God protect?
Trinity 2 Corinthians 13:14 ...can this verse be used to support the trinity doctrine?                    
Trinity Acts 13:2 the Holy Spirit a person in this verse?
Trinity Holy Spirit ...does the Bible portray the Holy Spirit with personality?
Trinity John 16:13 ...does this verse support the trinity doctrine? 
Trinity Trinity several scriptures in Acts speak of the Holy Spirit as being a person?
Trinity Trinity  ...does Mathew 3:16 support the idea of the trinity?      
Trinity Trinity ...does this prove the Trinity?               
Trinity Trinity  ...Please explain Matthew 28:19 and subject of "Holy Spirit" and "Trinity"
Trinity Trinity ...where did it originate?      
Trinity Trinity ...where did the Trinity doctrine originate [HWA comment]
Trumpets End Time Prophecy   ...explain the seals, trumpets and plagues of Daniel and Revelation   
Truth Convincing others of the truth                      
Turning the other cheek Turning the Other Cheek   ...can we defend ourselves from murder rape and other assaults?
Twelve Tribes USA and Israelitish nations, destruction of                 
Two Witnesses Two Witnesses and the Return of Christ
Two Witnesses The Two Witnesses ...what do we know about them                


UFO UFOs ...are they real?
Unclean Spirit Matthew 12:43-45 The Unclean Spirit Returns ...please explain these scriptures
Unconverted Mates Christmas ...Christmas and the unconverted mate    
Unicorns Unicorns ...are they mentioned in the Bible?  What are they?
United States USA and Israelitish nations, destruction of                    
United States United States and Prophecy   
Unleavened Bread Days of Unleavened Bread and Deuteronomy 16:8 it six days or seven?                   
Unpardonable Sin Unpardonable Sin ...what is it?


Valentine's Day Valentine's Day  ...what are the pagan origins of this day?
Valley of Dry Bones Dry Bones                   
Verse Meaning 1 Peter 4:5-6  ...please explain this verse; "the quick and the dead"
Verse Meaning Matthew 10:23 ...what is the meaning of this verse?
Very Elect The Elect  ...who are the elect we read of in Matthew 24?                    
Very Elect The Elect and Very Elect  ...who are the elect, the very elect, the called and the chosen?                     
Visions and Dreams Dreams and Visions                     
Visions and Dreams The Transfiguration: Moses, Elijah and Jesus  ...does this prove we go to heaven?
Voice of God Voice of God ...has man ever heard the voice of God?   


War in Heaven Satan ...war in heaven?
Watch "Watch"  ...what does this word mean?  
Water  Water Divining/Divining Rods [Dowsing] this of God?                    
WCG  Cults: ...what are they?                           
Wedding Rings Wedding Rings   ...Is there anything in the Bible that would prohibit wedding rings?
WEU The EU and WEU ...what is the WEU?
Wheat and Tares Wheat and Tares ...what is this parable about?
Witchcraft, Sorcery Witchcraft, Sorcery and Paganism ...what does the Bible say on these subjects?
White Horse White Horse of Revelation 6 this Christ or the false prophet
White Throne Judgment Satan ...does he know his end?
White Throne Judgment Satan ...loosed for a while after the millennium
White Throne Judgment Millennium - Revelation 20  ...explain the sequence of events?   
White Throne Judgment Second Resurrection long is this White Throne Judgment?
Wife Unconverted Mates ...I have one, so how do I proceed?
Wife Unconverted Mates and Christmas ...what do I do?
Willful Sinning Willful Sinning ... what is it
Wine Alcohol   ...what does the Bible say about Alcohol?   
Wine Wine and Grape Juice ...does "wine" in the Bible mean "grape juice?"
Wine or Grape Juice Should we use wine or grape juice at the Passover/Lord's Supper?             
Witches 1 Samuel 28 ...did Saul see the real Samuel?                      
Woman Revelation 12:4-5  ...whom is the woman being referred to in these verses?  
Women Women and Head Coverings  ...should a woman wear a covering on her head in church?
Women Women: as priests or ministers  ...from the Plain Truth in 1955
Women Women: dress in services  ...does the ICG have a dress code for women?
Women Women in church   ...what does the Bible say about women teaching, preaching and giving opening/closing prayer?
Women Women: in general and in church
Women Women ...what will be the role of women in the Kingdom of God as Spirit beings? 
Word Meanings 1 Corinthians 13:8 "Prophecies, they shall fail"  ...what does this mean?
Word Meanings 1 Timothy 1:15-16 - "Chief Sinner"                    
Word Meanings 1 Timothy 1 and the term "Saviour"                    
Word Meanings 2 Timothy 1:7   ...what is the meaning of the words, "power" and "sound mind"?
Word Meanings "Absent from the Body, Present with the Lord"  ...what does this mean?
Word Meanings Acts 13:2 the Holy Spirit a person in this verse?
Word Meanings "Citizenship in heaven."  ...what does this mean in Philippians 3:20?
Word Meanings Flying Roll  ...what does this mean in Zechariah 5?   
Word Meanings Gates, straight and narrow -- Matthew 7:12-14 ...what do they mean?                    
Word Meanings Goats and sheep of Matthew 25 ...whom do they each represent?
Word Meanings Hate ...what does this word mean in Luke 14:26                     
Word Meanings Hebrews 1:5 ...what does "son of God" mean
Word Meanings Holy Kiss ...what is a holy kiss?
Word Meanings Holy Spirit ...what is the difference between "Ghost" and "Spirit"
Word Meanings Jews   ...were they slaves or not [John 8:33]
Word Meanings John 10:7-10 ...who are the robbers and thieves?
Word Meanings John 14:12   ...what does this phrase mean?  Who has done greater works than Jesus?
Word Meanings John 15:2  ...what does the phrase “he taketh away” mean?
Word Meanings Justification   ...what does this term mean?  How are we justified?
Word Meanings Killing it true that God commanded Israel to kill?
Word Meanings Killing vs. Murder ...what is the difference, if any?
Word Meanings Kingdom of God ...what did Jesus mean in Luke 17:21 when He said the Kingdom of God is within you?
Word Meanings "Many Mansions"   ...what is meant by the word "mansions" in John 14:2?
Word Meanings Matthew 16:19 ...what are the keys of the kingdom of heaven?  What does binding and loosing mean?
Word Meanings New Jerusalem and the wife or bride of Christ the bride of Christ a city or people?
Word Meanings "Other Sheep" of John 10:16 ...who are they?
Word Meanings "Prepare a place for you" ...what does this mean?
Word Meanings Revelation 1:4; 4:5 and 5:6 ...what are the seven Spirits here?  
Word Meanings Revelation 14:11 ...meaning of the phrase, "Forever and ever"                    
Word Meanings Romans 8:30 –Predestination, call, justification and glorification                      
Word Meanings "Say they are Jews and are not" ...who is being spoken of?
Word Meanings "Son of Perdition"   ...what does this mean?
Word Meanings Temptation and Sin ...what is the difference?
Word Meanings "Times of the Gentiles"  ...what does this mean?
Word Meanings "Watch"  ...what does this word mean?  
Word Meanings Yahweh's Rest ...what does this mean? 
Works Works...what are they?
World Christians in Other Churches --are they worshipping the true God?
World Churches ...what does God think about secular churches?
World Da Vinci Code -book and movie                     
World Drugs and the Bible                     
World Jury Duty  ...should we avoid jury duty?
World Mother's Day it okay to celebrate?  What is its origin?  Does it have a pagan origin?
World Pyramid schemes ...should a Christian become involved in Pyramid Schemes?
World Swearing - taking oaths
World The Book of Mormon this another testimony of Jesus Christ?   
World The Star of David vs. the Pentagram  ...are the Jews using a pagan symbol?
World Yoga ...Should Christians engage in Yoga?
Worship Worship ...just whom is to be worshipped?
Wrath The Wrath of God  ...what is it?
Wreathes Wreathes ...are they of pagan origin?




Yahweh  Yahweh's Rest ...what does this mean?                      
Yoga Yoga ...Should Christians engage in Yoga?





Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God  - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas