SUBJECT: Christmas
QUESTION: What do I do about Christmas if I am living with
an unconverted mate?
We get a lot of questions like this at this time of year.
We have a couple of foundational verses that will guide you
through this time. A lot will have to do with 1) your level
of faith and conviction or commitment and 2) your
relationship with your husband and his conviction or
commitment to keep Christmas.
Romans 14:23
23 ...for whatsoever is not of faith is sin.
Romans 12:21
Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.
So we see that if we feel that Christmas is not of our faith
it is sin or evil. We also see that we are to overcome this
evil with good.
These verses should be considered as you interact with your
husband, children and family. There is no need to attack
the various elements of Christmas. If your husband wants a
tree and gifts, you can let that happen but you do need to
make you feelings known to both your husband and family.
Just state firmly that God through His word has moved you to
see that Christmas is not of Christ. He did not keep the
day, establish the day or sanction the day. After He died,
no one in the church kept the day or established the day.
Nothing is said in the Bible that would support the keeping
of Christmas.
If your husband wants to go to his mother’s home for
Christmas dinner, just go but you do not have to participate
in wrapping gifts, opening gifts, exchanging gifts, singing
Christmas carols or decorating the tree. You can be
gracious and eat the meal and fellowship with the family.
In time they will come to know of your beliefs. They may
not agree but they pretty much have to accept.
As each situation arises look for opportunity to "replace
the evil with good". If the children want to have your help
writing a letter to Santa, write letters to God instead. If
the children want gifts, give them at Feast time (the
Feast of Tabernacles are the days Satan counterfeited in the
form of Christmas). Giving gifts at the Feast is
perfectly okay.
You will have to handle each situation as it comes and
decide how much you can pull back from the situation without
causing any undue strain on relationship or marriage. Your
convictions will be recognized and in time you could have an
effect on those around you.
1 Corinthians 7:14
For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and
the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were
your children unclean; but now are they holy.
Note: The word
"sanctified" means that the unbelieving mate is brought
closer to your "holiness" or conviction of faith.
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