Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Sabbath   ...what is the impact of the International Date Line on keeping the Sabbath?
MP3  subject heading for this piece is Sabbath


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SUBJECT:  Sabbath


QUESTION:  What is the impact of the International Date Line on one keeping the Sabbath?




God does not render the Sabbath by hours but by sunsets.  Though the International Date Line is quite accurate and not based on human whim but in response to Godly creation, it is rather moot as all you have to know is what day it is today.  If it is Friday, then the Sabbath begins at sunset where you are.  It leads us to the question, "Has Time Been Lost?” 


Following is an excerpt from the booklet by that title.


What is a Day?


The correct Bible definition of a "DAY" is not 24 hours of a man-made watch, but that period of time from sunset to sunset.  A day is not measured by the journey of the earth PLUS our journey ON the earth.


The Sabbath is to be observed "from even unto even" (Leviticus 23:32). A day ENDS, and another begins, when the sun sets. (see Mark 1:32; Luke 4:40.) See any encyclopedia. History shows that it was always custom to end and begin days at sunset until a few hundred years after Christ.


We live on a round earth. A day is measured by the revolution of the earth on its axis, in relation to the sun. Since the Sabbath day begins and ends at SUNSET, We observe it here when the sun sets HERE. But the sun sets three hours earlier in New York than on the Pacific Coast, hence Sabbath- keepers there begin their Sabbath three hours earlier than we on the Coast. In London the Sabbath begins nine hours earlier than on the Pacific Coast, if kept according to God's directions.


The answer to it all is, WE KEEP THE DAY WHEN THE DAY COMES TO US. Jerusalem is God's headquarters for the earth. That is where Jesus kept the Sabbath, and we know HE had it right! Authorities believe it was by God's guidance that men were caused to set the international "date line" (where, because of a round earth turning on its axis a day must be dropped or added IN COMPUTATION), in the middle of the Pacific where it affects virtually nobody and almost exactly OPPOSITE from Jerusalem.


As time is now computed, Sabbath-keepers the world over keep the SAME SABBATH, when it comes to them, that is and always has been the seventh day of the week AT JERUSALEM. But, for the simple reason that the Bible tells us to begin our Sabbath at SUNSET, and the sun does not set at the same time in various parts of the earth, the holy hours of the Sabbath begin, in China, several hours earlier than in Jerusalem--and likewise, in America several hours LATER than in Jerusalem. But, beginning in the middle of the Pacific, halfway around the earth from Jerusalem, ALL EVERYWHERE ON EARTH KEEP THE SAME DAY, as that day comes to them, THAT IS KEPT AT JERUSALEM. Sunday observers have no trouble figuring when their Sunday comes to them, anywhere on the earth. We cannot run away from this truth on a boat.


The entire booklet is located on the Internet at:


Having said all this, the keeping of the Sabbath is a personal faith issue, that is, it is a part of the individual Salvation Process to anyone called of God to be a firstfruit prior to the return of Christ.  The Sabbath is NOT presently for those without the Holy Spirit.  Read 1 Corinthians 2:14 for confirmation of this fact.  Without the Holy Spirit, the Sabbath is foolishness to them.  Everyone who has ever lived will, however, have an opportunity to know all truth, have access to the Holy Spirit and enter into the Kingdom of God with eternal life.  Clearly, when they are called to this truth, they will know all about the Sabbath and will keep it.


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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas