Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Australia and New Zealand in Prophecy   
 MP3    the subject heading for this letter is Prophecy

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SUBJECT:   Australia and New Zealand


QUESTION:  Will Australia and New Zealand be affected in the Great Tribulation?




This is a good question. No one in the World (speaking of nations) will escape from the Tribulation.  The Tribulation will include nuclear war and whole nations destroyed and survivors taken captive.  Australia and New Zealand are sure to be involved.


In the booklet, "Europe and America in Prophecy" it talks about Australia and New Zealand:


"The British colonized, developed, expanded around the globe, finally reaching the status of EMPIRE. Study any pre-World War II map of the world. Maps and globes of that period usually colored the British Commonwealth red; her territories and protectorates pink.

One could look anywhere on earth, and find British possessions; dominance and influence.

First, one would see the British Isles, lying like a dominating lion offshore Europe; secure behind the famous English channel, yet guarding the gateways to Europe; the Kategat and Skagerrak; the ports of Holland and France. The position of the British Isles has been absolutely decisive in the course of history—has influenced dramatically the outcome of many, many wars, including the first and second World Wars!

Then, one thinks of the vast territory, natural resources and physical wealth of Canada; the continent "down under," Australia; the island nation of New Zealand. There is South Africa, with some of the richest deposits of minerals and natural wealth on earth."

Note:  Because of their wealth and natural resources, these countries would be targets for anyone in a World War.  The Japanese actually wanted control of these nations in World War II, but did not get that far.

Later in the same booklet, it says...

"As we shall see, the prophesied GREAT TRIBULATION is to come primarily on JACOB! It is the "time of Jacob's trouble," meaning the time of great national trauma for England, Canada, Australia, South Africa, and the United States, as well as others of ten-tribed Israel. Remember, EPHRAIM AND MANASSEH were the recipients of the NAME OF ISRAEL! Dying Jacob (Israel) had said, ‘Let MY NAME be named ON THEM!’"

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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas