Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association


Simplify Your Life!!     MP3

Western society is a mess!  We have too much stuff.  We eat too much.  We spend too much.  We waste time and clutter our lives physically, emotionally, mentally and economically.  This affects our spiritual lives and deflects us from our true goals of peace, prosperity and ultimately salvation.  The cure?  SIMPLIFY YOUR LIFE.  Boil it down to basics.  Declutter your mind, your "garage" and your budget sheet.  Let us begin with the latter.

Economic Clutter
We tend to expand our standard of living to meet the total amount of money we earn. In most cases, we actually live beyond our means. This is not what God intended.  For example, individuals in most Western countries tend to live lifestyles equal to 110% to 150% [and more] of their income.  The income matches of the first 100% and credit makes possible the higher percentages.  The individual then enters an seemingly unending cycle of debt.  They give away their substance in usury [interest].  Interest destroys both individuals and nations.

The key is to live "abundantly" within 70% to 80% of your income.  The abundance and luxury comes from the 20%-30% of EXCESS.  This excess has MASSIVE impact on your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being.  This excess cascades into more and more excess...abundance...prosperity.  See the Minister's Notebook piece, "Abundance Through Stewardship".  I have learned much more about stewardship since writing that piece

Abundance Through Stewardship, all by itself, can get you to living on 70% of your income.  I personally freed up one-thousand dollars a month by following its principles.  I am about to take that figure to $1,500!!

It all began when I went to City -  This single site will give you mountains of data about every city, town and village in the US.  What this site told me was that I was living in one of the most costly cities and counties in the United States.  Ironically, my income does not even derive from the town in which I live.  The average rent  here, just outside Seattle, is $919!!  For my stylish two-bedroom, two-bath apartment I pay $1,150 a month.  By March 2007, it rises to $1,400 a month.  Solution?  I am moving to Vancouver, Washington, where the same apartment [actually a bit nicer] is currently going for $760.  I also found that cable, Internet services, food and gas are much less expensive in Clark County.    So, by simply moving to Vancouver I save $640 a month in rent [considering the $1,400 rent] and $390 over the $1,150 rent.  The savings on the other items is more than $100 a month.  Add this to the aforementioned one-thousand dollars and I am now up to almost $1,500 a month in EXCESS.  This is how you get rid of economic clutter.
Sometimes the poverty we experience is SELF-INFLICTED.  We live beyond our means.  We use credit and go into debt.  This is economic clutter and must be cleared away. The word "poverty" means "the state of being poor," "deficiency in amount" and "unproductiveness."  More often than not, poverty is the result of poor stewardship on our part.

Begin living "below" your means WITHOUT giving up the so-called abundant life [your current standard-of-living].  Abundance and prosperity come when you begin living with excess rather than debt, worry and interest payments.  This is a process and takes time, but begin your journey today.
Now one might claim other contributing circumstances and they may be valid.  I know they were with me.  If it is a lack of education, get more education.  If it is lack of job prospects, get to a place with better job prospects.  If it is debt, get out of debt.

At least one of you reading this will tell me he or she can't leave their current job or circumstance.  Really?  How did you get that job and/or circumstance in the first place?  Create new circumstances!!  I am not implying that you pull up stakes tomorrow and move to another state.  What I AM telling you is to formulate a plan.  Make it a 12, 24 or 60-month plan, but MAKE IT!!  Begin the process.  Get rid of the financial clutter!  Also get rid of the excuses that are also making you a slave to your current circumstances.

Physical Clutter
We, in North America, have WAY too much stuff.  Maybe it is the same for our brethren in Europe and elsewhere.  All these possessions are the by-product of a materialistic, hedonistic society in which live.  Mankind surely does not realize that when he rejected God, he created a void in life.  We spend a great deal of life filling the void with possessions...stuff.  Most of it is clutter that actually grinds on us mentally and emotionally, as well as physically.  I know this from recent personal experience.  Eighteen months ago I moved from a 3,000 square-foot house to a 1,100 square-foot apartment.  I ordered up a nine cubic yard dumpster and just about filled it with all the physical clutter from my life.  Well now I am doing it again in preparation for my move to Utah.

There is an age-old question that goes, "If your house suddenly caught fire, what would you grab on the way out the door?"  Let's modify the question and see what can be done to get rid of the physical clutter in your life.  I am using a company called ABF - U-Pack Moving for my move to Utah.  They offer something called the Relocube.  This is a free-standing, moving container seven feet wide, six feet deep and eight feet high [6'D - 7'W - 8'H].  That is 336 cubit feet [12.4 cubic yards].  How many of these would you need to hold all your personal and household possessions?  I am not talking about your spouse, children or live-in mother-in-law or father, just you.  How many relocubes would it take?  There is not necessarily a correct answer here, but one might conclude that if your answer is four or five, you might want to take steps to get rid of some of your stuff.

Interesting word "stuff".  One of its definitions is "useless items."  Much of our possessions are things we accumulated over an entire lifetime or marriage.  You have probably not used, touched, looked at or needed many of your possessions in years or even decades.  GET RID OF THEM.  The slang definition for the word "stuff" is habit-forming drug.  In a large part, this is why we have so many possessions.  Acquiring them, keeping them and storing them has become a Western society HABIT, if not obsession.  Remember when all those self-storage complexes first began springing up all over the place?  It was the result of some smart entrepreneur finding a way to get rich off the public's "drug addition" to STUFF.

Possessions tie us down physically, mentally and even spiritually.  We become their slave.  Is it really any wonder Jesus told the would-be disciple to go and sell all that he had?

Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.  But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. –Matthew 19:21-22

He was a slave to those possessions.  Had he gotten rid of them, his life would be decluttered.  He would be free.  Set yourself free.  Become ruthless and get rid of your useless, habit-forming stuff.

Mental Clutter
In preparation for writing this piece, I visited a number of web sites dedicated to simplifying life.  I was intrigued by all the references to the mental clutter in our lives.  Let me list a number of items I gleaned from about ten web sites.  Some are similar and some will recommend harsher action that others.  I will list them without specific comment, adding my general conclusions and comments at the end.

–go on a news fast.
–limit your news intake.
–limit yourself to one newspaper a day.
–stop being a slave to communication tools [phones, memos, e-mail, i-pods, etc.].
–cut back on TV time.
–consider your need for cable TV.
–sell the TV.
–cancel subscriptions to magazines and newsletters you are not reading.
–quit organizations or clubs that are not contributing to your advancement, network, or fun.
–consider your need for the cell phone.
–consider your need for the car.
–move closer to work
–anticipate and avoid peak use time for stores, streets, restaurants, services and offices.
–immediately rid your life of unused or broken appliances, computers, furniture or vehicles.
–establish a regular, weekly shopping and errand day.  Do all shopping, banking and errands in one trip.
–schedule genuine down time and fun time.
–connect with nature.
–laugh daily.
–take a vacation.
–keeping asking, "will this possession or activity simplify my life?"
–go paperless.  Have digital rather than paper files.

All these suggestions come under one of four headings:

1) limit intake of information.  Make it quality intake.
2) get rid of the unneeded and unessential.
3) free up time.
4) find release and rejuvenation.

Do all things in balance and moderation.  Rid yourself of mental clutter.

Spiritual Clutter
As you free yourself up mentally, do the same spiritually.  Avoid spiritual clutter.  This is defined as anything detracting you from the trunk of the doctrinal tree or anything that promotes backsliding [neglect of the salvation process]. 

–avoid biblical twigs and idea babies.
–avoid worry.
–give up hate for forgiveness.
–avoid biblical debate or argument.
–avoid apologetics.
–give no ear to the accuser.
–only accept good systematic theology.
–do not attempt to prove the other guy wrong.
praise God for every good thing.
–do not blame others for your situation.
do not waste energy seeking to control or change other people.
–always ask, "What would Christ do?"
immerse yourself in the Word of God.
–remain true to your Godly Calling.

Simplify your life now!!


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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas