Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association


Leadership of the Church - Questions and Answers             MP3

Sometimes when I write a Notebook piece, I receive feedback from the congregation and I welcome this very much.  After writing my previous Notebook piece, "Headquarters Just Isn't Showing Any Leadership!", I received some questions that I would like to answer.

Let us begin...

1) What was the underlying purpose of your writing the Headquarters piece?

Answer:  I was speaking to an overall negative attitude I see as rather dangerous and shortsighted.  Individuals sometimes see the church of God only in the physical.  They see the operations of the church, whether locally or worldwide as being done by humans.  Sometimes statements are made and attitudes come forth that seem to forget that this is the Work of Jesus Christ and the great Creator God.  I try to never do that.  When I hear a statement, such as, "Headquarters Just Isn't Showing Any Leadership", I ask myself, "Does this person not understand this is the Work of the Living God?"  This statement and ones similar to it strike me as complaints coming from negative attitudes. 

2) Are you of the attitude that leadership in the church is above reproach? 

Answer:  The word "reproach"  means to express disapproval of, criticism of, or disappointment in (someone). Based on this definition, I would have to say that I would hope that no member would offer disapproval and criticism that comes from a negative attitude.  Rather I would like to say that leadership in God's church is APPROACHABLE with legitimate CONCERNS.

There is, in my mind, a vast difference between the member having a legitimate concern about a person or operation in the church and what I call the Korah attitude.  Korah did not have any legitimate concerns.  He wanted Moses out, plain and simple.  He was not looking for solutions to concerns, but for power and position.

There is nothing wrong with having a concern about someone or some operation of the church.

3) Is anyone in the church infallible or off limits to the members of the congregation?

Answer:  Absolutely not!  See two definitive pieces I did not this subject:  Fallible Human Beings  and Give Me a Church in Peace and Harmony.  In short, the church will never be in absolute peace and harmony as long as humans exist.   Further, church operations and the Work in general will always be carried out by abundantly fallible human beings until Christ returns.

No human in the church is perfect and no operation in the church is ever going to have 100% acclaim from the congregation.  All physical operations in the church will be less than perfect and will be open to legitimate concern and constant suggestions for improvement.

4) If I have a concern about some operation in the church at the local level, what can I do?

Answer:  Here is a quick checklist:

1) Have the right attitude about it.  See my piece: "Two Basic Rules of Thumb"  Primarily the first rule, "What would Christ do?"
2) Pray about the situation.
3) Communicate your concern.  Talk to the local minister, host and/or local church Board.  Next, communicate with the Area Coordinator or Regional minister if you have one.  Finally contact Headquarters.
4) Take action where possible.

5) If my concern is about some operation in the church at higher levels, what can I do?

Answer:  Again, a quick checklist:

1) Have the right attitude about it.
2) Pray about the situation.
3) Communicate your concern.  Begin, as above with your local and/or regional ministry and then prepare your communication for Headquarters.  Address it to the appropriate Board.  There is one for the ICG and one for the EA.  Send your communications [concerns, suggestions, etc.] to Garner Ted Armstrong, P.O. Box 747, Flint, TX 75762.  Make it attention to the appropriate Board.
4) Take action where possible.

6) I have a personal concern about the Feeding of the Flock and the church operations that address this commission to the church.

Answer:  See my next piece, "The Feeding of the Flock" where I will cover this subject in some detail.

Nothing about the church or the Salvation Process is easy.  Keep in mind however, that God is in absolute control and all His ways are perfect.  Every operation in the church is in His hands.  Every member in the Salvation Process is in His hands.  As we keep one eye on our every concern, keep the other eye on the Kingdom of God.


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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas