Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association


Subject:  Fallible Human Beings     MP3  

In my last notebook entry on Newly Revealed Knowledge, I posed the question, "Now does all this inspiration of the Holy Spirit mean that all sermons are perfect or the minister infallible?"  I answered by saying, "Hardly."  Clearly God works through fallible human beings.  Notice these excerpts from our doctrine:

From our doctrine on God:

--Yet it is God's mercy and compassion that are paramount in giving full hope and confidence to fallible human beings who are sinners all.

From our doctrine on the Bible:

--Only one who sincerely seeks to apply the biblical way to his own life will eventually learn that the practical instructions, timeless wisdom, spiritual depth and living laws come from a Supreme Being, and not merely from fallible, mortal men

From our doctrine on the Laying on of Hands:

-- The act of laying on of hands itself has special symbolic meaning.  It shows that God works through fallible human beings in administrating church government.

--The laying on of hands is a simple but deeply symbolic ceremony which has special application in special circumstances as explained above.  It is of critical importance to Christianity, because it shows that God works and deals with mankind through other human beings whom He chooses and sets apart for His purpose, though they are fallible and imperfect.

From our doctrine on Traditional Christian Doctrines:

-- Truth, the doctrinal truth of the Bible, is absolutely essential for those who will follow Jesus Christ.  This is not to claim that doctrinal perfection is necessary for either God's collective Church or for the individual Christian.  Indeed, this is unrealistic to demand, considering the fact that God works through fallible human beings; such doctrinal perfection can be achieved when Jesus Christ returns as King of kings and Lord of lords. 

Our doctrine, faith and belief is clear: men, even men and women in the Body of Christ, with God's Holy Spirit are fallible.  There is no such thing as perfection in this physical life, whether we speak to the human condition, our skills or our level of righteousness.  Yet it seems to be the proclivity of human nature to want perfection in all things and to constantly show up the other guy as being imperfect.

How many times have we seen assaults on the church, its membership or the ministry attempting to point out their imperfections?  They are legion.  I doubt, beginning with Peter and Paul and coming down to the present Body of Christ that there has ever been a minister that someone did not like.  Indeed, I have witnessed many an occasion where fallible human beings in the Body of Christ have sought to demonize a minister and to get him thrown out of the ministry and the church because of his imperfections.  If he is not perfect, they say, and without sin, they cannot be a minister.  At one sign of a sin or imperfection, "Out he goes."  If true; if this is the standard, then we must fire all ministers, disfellowship ever member and disband all the churches.  We are all fallible. 

The only instruction we have for removing a minister or member is that of openly sinning...sinning without repentance.  This could be personal sins and/or knowingly preaching false doctrines.  However, there is no instruction for getting rid of a minister or member for being fallible.  God does not require that we are infallible.  He requires us to be in the Salvation Process and moving toward perfection.

So, not every sermon will be perfect and your minister does not walk on water.  He will have good days and not-so-good days just like you.  He will, from time to time make mistakes.  No true minister will ever claim infallibility.  Beware of any minister or member who does.  Only God, Christ and God's Word are perfect and infallible.  Your fallible minister will be preaching Christ from that infallible Word.


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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas