Description/Procedure |
Experience/Your Stories |
Animals: at the dog walking
park, carry small bags of doggie treats to pass out to dog
owners. |
Animals: at the dog walking
park, fill water dishes, food dishes and clean up the park
including animal waste. |
Come prepared with plastic
bags, water carrier, dog treats or food, rubber gloves and small
plastic shovel for picking up dog waste. |
Animals: provide a pet shelter
with food, litter, toys. |
Animals: save a pet in
distress. Help a family of ducks cross the street or rescue an
animal from a hole or ditch. |
Animals: visit a pet shelter to
pet the dogs or cats. |
Animals: where allowed, feed
the ducks/geese. Bring extra bread or food for others wanting
to feed the ducks but having no food. |
We have done this at Fanny
Bridge in Tahoe City at Feast Time. See |
Books/movies: give or recommend
someone a good book or movie. |
Books/movies: invite someone to
a movie. Buy their popcorn. |
Coffee shop/bagel shop:
morning: Pay for the next person in line. |
Coffee shop/bagel shop:
morning: Buy several morning papers and put one on several
tables or give to patrons. |
Common courtesy or etiquette:
use your quiet voice indoors. |
Common courtesy or etiquette:
listen intently to others as they speak to you. |
Common courtesy or etiquette:
maintain good eye contact as you communicate with others. |
Common courtesy or etiquette:
Do not text continually when talking to friends or strangers. |
Common courtesy or etiquette:
Do not text continually in restaurants |
Common courtesy or etiquette:
Be patient with everyone. |
Communication: Call someone
just to say, "hello." |
Communication: Make a happy
face personal card. When someone asks your name, give them a
card. |
Communication: Make a set of
happy face praise/complement cards. You will find opportunities
to use them. Business card printers will do this for you.
Have a number of complements. |
Communication: Send someone a
greeting card or e-card every opportunity you have. |
Communication: smile wherever
you go. Greet people. |
Communication: talk up to
people rather than down to them. |
Communication: when asked, tell
people what you know, not what you think. |
Communication: Send out a
positive twitter, text or e-mail to someone each day. |
Elderly and widows love these. |
Facebook: Post songs,
videos, quotes, text and photos that uplift your friends. |
See my radio station of
uplifting songs: |
Flowers: give flowers to a
stranger. Place the bouquet in the door handle of their car.
Tape sticky note on window |
Flowers: pass out single
carnations to the elderly at the park. |
Flowers: put a potted flower at
a neighborhood stop sign, at the base. |
Flowers: stop at a roadside
memorial, pay your respects, clean up the area, and place a
flower [s] there. |
Flowers: take your neighbor
some flowers. |
Food store: help a shopper. |
Food store: on the way in, take
one or more shopping cars back. |
Food store: pick up products
and put back on shelf. |
From the trunk of your car:
carry extra bottles of water...on ice if you can; especially on
hot days. |
From the trunk of your car:
carry extra pair of sunglasses, a cane, city maps or garbage
bags. |
The more items you carry, the
more opportunities might come up. |
From the trunk of your car:
carry extra umbrellas. |
From your car: break up traffic
jams. [see
the video on this procedure] |
I use this all the time on
three-lane freeways and it works!!!! |
From your car: let the other
guy have the parking space. |
From your car: pull over when
there are 2 or more cars behind you. |
From your car: smile, wave,
and/or greet the road worker. |
From your car: stop at a
crosswalk. |
From your car: stop for a
jaywalker. |
From your car: yield to another
driver. |
Homeless: on a cold night, pass
out gloves and/or blankets to the homeless |
Best done as a group effort. |
Homeless: prepare a back with
things a homeless person or couple might need. Have it in the
car in case the opportunity arises. Add this to any money you
might offer them. |
Best is bottled water, pen and
notepad, marking pen for signs, some quarters, AA batteries,
protein bars and so on. |
Homeless: bring several cups
of coffee to a congregated group of homeless. |
In Public: quietly pray for a
stranger, especially if they express sorrow or need help. |
In Public: say, "thank you" and
mean it. |
In Public: sincerely compliment
someone on wardrobe--tie, dress, shirt, etc. |
In the neighborhood: clean up a
bus stop. |
In the neighborhood: clean up a
vacant lot. |
In the neighborhood: donate
books to the local library. |
In the neighborhood: notify
authorities regarding anything unsafe, such as a crosswalk,
lighting problems, etc. |
In the neighborhood: paint over
graffiti, power was a sidewalk or cement wall or barrier. |
Litter: pick up a whole bag of
litter...beach, parking lot or park. |
Litter: pick up litter you see
anywhere. |
Military Service or Police:
have a thank you gift card ready; buy their coffee. |
Military Service or Police:
thank them for their service. |
Mishap: come to the aid of
someone dropping papers or the contents of a briefcase. |
Mishap: help some move a
disabled vehicle off the road. |
Mishap: help someone get their
car out of the snow or ditch. |
Mishap: help someone who has
fallen. |
Mishap: stop and remove large
rocks or other debris from a roadway. |
Motel or hotel: compliment your
staff, give flowers and/or a gift card. |
Motel or hotel: for the maid:
leave a daily tip or give compliments and/or a greeting card. |
Motel or hotel: put a dollar in
the Gideon Bible with a note, "This is for you." |
One member has been doing this
for years. The stories he will hear in the Kingdom. |
Movie theater: pay for the next
two tickets for the couple behind you. |
Works wonderful for older folks
and veterans. |
Nature: leave no trace you were
in the park or hiking trail. |
Nature: plant a tree. |
On the street: come to the aid
of a car in distress or call appropriate authority. |
On the street: feed someone's
parking meter. |
On the street: help someone
across the street or help them with some burden. |
On the street: open or hold a
door open for someone. |
On the street: pay for the next
person as you exit a pay parking garage. |
On the street: hold the
elevator for someone. |
Public restrooms: leave it
cleaner than when you found it. Clean toilets, stalls, sinks,
counters, and pick up litter. |
This is always much
appreciated. |
Restaurant: at a drive through.
Pay the tab for the car behind you. |
Restaurant: be creative in your
tip giving. |
Restaurant: buy
breakfast/dinner for a couple. |
Best to do on your way out.
Greet them and put appropriate amount of money on the table and
leave. You can also as their waiter for the amount they owe and
give it to the waitress. |
Restaurant: give a $20 gift to
a deserving staff member over and above tip.
See sermonette |
Restaurant: tell manager your
positive feelings on ambiance, food, wait staff or cooks. |
Restaurant: tip the cook. |
Restaurant: when it is busy,
let a family go ahead of you. |
School: buy a book for the
school library. |
Make inquiry with the principle
first and then librarian. |
School: buy some needed item
for a teacher/classroom. |
Make inquiry with the principle
first. |
Toll bridge or road: pay
the toll for one or more cars behind you. |
This was the Act of Random
Kindness that started the movement. |
Vending machine: give a dollar
to the person behind you, telling him/her the drink/treat is on
you. |
Vending machine: prepare a 4x6
card that says "Have a drink [treat] on me" and tape a dollar to
it. |
Affix it to the machine |
Workers you encounter: stop at
all lemonade stands. Complement the individuals and
overpay. |
Workers you encounter: tip
every shoe shiner you see even if you are not getting your shoes
shined. |
Workers you encounter: thank
every janitor you see and tip one now and then. |
Workers you encounter: Tell
every worker you encounter that you appreciate their work or
service. |
Workplace: bring doughnuts or
healthy treats to work or the break room. |
Workplace: clean and maintain a
clean bathroom. |
Workplace: clean up the break
room, do the dishes, clean the microwave, make sure coffee pot
is full. |
Workplace: come early and put a
fresh flower on a number of desks. |
Workplace: empty a coworker's
overflowing wastebasket. |