Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association


Menu-driven Bible Study Menu of Topics
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---This is version 6 of the permanent menu of topics for these Bible studies.  Updated 16 March 2009
---All menu items have permanent numbers.  Version 7 of this menu will be this same menu with added topics.
---See same menu with text, audio and video answers and discussion here.


---This version 6 has 101 topics.  They are arranged in numerical order.   See index here
---If you wish to discuss any of these topics now, drop me an e-mail.  In the Subject line of your e-mail put, "Open Forum Bible Study question."  Give me the number of the topic you wish to discuss. 
---Topic Number Index:                    



Topics    see Subject and Key word index here


Can Church A badmouth Church B?  Example:  A church, claiming to be in the Body of Christ recently came out with a full frontal attack against Garner Ted Armstrong and the ICG


Lying in the Body of Christ:
How to eliminate it entirely using a prime Biblical example.


Work of the ICG:  
Did the Work and Message of Garner Ted Armstrong die with him?


What is Apologetics?  What does it have to do with the Faith?  Is there any room in the Church of God for Apologetics?


Definition of "Independent Church”:
What is an independent church?  Is there such a thing?


The only true church of God? 
There are churches out there saying they are the only true church of God?  Is it true that only one of the 350 groups from Worldwide is the true one?  Problem is, several of them are saying it?  Who are they saying it to?  Must this be stated?


Song service and prayer:
Why do we have the opening prayer AFTER the song service?  Doesn’t it sound more logical to enclose everything we do within prayer?


---what is it?  Is the ICG legalistic?  Is the entire Church of God legalistic?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion


Growth in the church: 
Is this proof of anything one-way or the other?  Does the number of local churches, new churches or number of converts or baptisms have any bearing on God’s true church?  What can we do about growth or the lack there of?


The perfect church: 
Is it possible—probable that we could have a local ICG church or fellowship group in complete peace and harmony?


New Church Starts: 
How this is done (viewpoint of Web Site Office---present status and future plans).


what is meditation?  Why do we do it?  What might be the best sequence with prayer and Bible Study?


The 3 Basic and Essential rules for every Christian and every situation
---every word, every thought, every action and every deed.


Achieving Peace and Contentment: 
3 Rules for freeing up your life.


What two spiritual elements will keep the most numbers of people out of the Kingdom of God?


Second Chance: 
Do humans ever get a second chance in the Plan of God?  Is our calling to the Salvation Process, a second chance?  Is the Second Resurrection a second chance?  Is repentance a second chance?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion


Can a firstfruit leave a church organization? 
If so, how, for what reasons?


Spiritual Maturity
When does spiritual maturity come?  How is it attained?


The Spiritual Diary  
Have you ever given thought to keeping a spiritual diary?  How does it work? 


What is the difference between "free choice" and "Godly Calling"?


Before the Bread and Wine of Passover, just how do I examine myself?


Spiritual Lesson about God: 
What spiritual lesson do we learn from the biblical town of Ai that was encountered by Israel right after the fall of Jericho?


Is voting a sin? 
Can we vote?  Should we vote?  What is our doctrine on the subject?


What will be the role of women in the spiritual Kingdom of God? 

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion


Idea babies, theories, prophesy ideas, doctrine AND the Book of Acts.
How can we use the concept of the Book of Acts to try and test these things?


What is a biblical twig? 
Why do we get involved with them?  What are the pitfalls?


Godly Correction  
How does God correct the church?  By what means would He bring the correction?  What is the essential element that must be present in one to give or receive the correction?  Who would God use to bring the correction?  Who would He not use?


The 24 Elders
Who or what are the 24 Elders of God?


Root of Bitterness: 
What is it?
Confusion might exist because the phrase has been used two different ways in the church.


Good overcoming Evil. 
Many movies and television shows have a theme of good overcoming evil.  Some justify the violence and other untoward elements [witchcraft, sorcery, gore, etc.] because of the good overcoming the evil.  Is this a biblically or Godly justified theme?


What is our doctrine?  -discussion One
Is it our booklets or sermons or our doctrinal statements?


Religious Debate:
Why do religious/spiritual arguments and debates not work?  Does the Word of God encourage argument and debate?  If someone is in 100% opposition to you on a religious, spiritual or Biblical subject, what can we conclude?  What does Gal. 5:19-21 have to say about this.

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion


Matthew 7:15-20
What "fruit" means.       (Note: question repeated in Scripture Related Topics)


Should ministers be held to a higher standard?
What does our doctrine say?      Is there a “higher standard”?


Newly revealed knowledge:
What is it?
How is it imparted?
What is usually given?
Has Chris Cumming ever received such knowledge?


Infallibility of the minister:
Are ministers infallible?
If the sermon is inspired does this mean the sermon will be perfect?  Ditto Bible Studies and counseling.


Minister & Member: 
Disagreements between minister and member on non-salvation subjects and various speculations or opinions on various subjects.


Complaint of a detractor-- Situation with question
A person told me that in the past, a minister had led him astray.  Is this possible?  How would God evaluate the situation?


Self Promotion - Self-Serving Attitudes. 
What is this?  How does it manifest itself?  Does it work? 



Faith; Can it be Legislated?
There is not a "thus saith the Lord" for all possible objects of belief.  How do we formulate beliefs for all these topic areas?  What are our responsibilities in dealing with our beliefs?


Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion


Luke 15—The parable of the Lost Sheep:

Misused and misapplied scripture.  Who are the lost sheep?  Are they people who left the ICG?  Can ministers and members be likened to the shepherd who goes after the lost sheep?


Matthew 10:8:
“Freely thou has received, freely give” This verse has often been misapplied.  What does it really mean?  What does it have to do with the present-day Work of God and our giving out free booklets and tapes?


Matthew 18 Process
Detailed step-by-step procedure.  Goals and Purposes of the Process.  What are the pitfalls?


Matthew 18:20 “Where two or three of you are gathered”:
Misused and misapplied scripture.  What is this verse actually referring to?


Blessing on the meal in public places:
—when, where, how—especially in public places such as restaurants.


Who can judge your humility?


Is there such thing as "a geographically isolated member?"


Accusers and Accusation: 
Is there any room in the church for accusers?  Is there ANY biblical foundation for one to accuse his or her brother in the faith?  What does the Bible say about accusers and the end time?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion


Is worry a sin?


Sermons/Sermonettes-- Situation/Attitude: 
“Hey, you pointed that sermon/sermonette at ME!!”


Are they clubs with which to beat my brother over the head?


“I’m just not being fed over there?”
Is this a valid complaint?


Is someone telling you what to believe? 
This is a charge brought from detractors and those fallen away from the faith.  Is it a valid charge?  Should it be?


"All I Do is Pay and Pray": 
Have you ever heard someone lament, “All I do in this church organization is pray and pay.”  Is this a legitimate complaint?  


I Just Won the Lottery what?
What does the lottery teach us about stewardship?



Kingdom of God:  Authority vs. Character:
How will God rule Earth for the 1,000 years?
How will He rule the firstfruits?
How will God rule the Kingdom of God after the 1,000 years and White Throne Judgment?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion


What are Fear Religion and Headline Religion?


The Era of the Slick Argument: 
How does it work?  How does it manifest itself?


Prophecy:  What is the purpose of prophecy?

How do we interpret prophecy?  What do we need to know now?  How do we prove prophecy?  Is knowledge of prophecy required for Salvation?


Prophecy:   Prophecy vs. The Salvation Process
The battle for your time and your mind.


Prophet vs. Gospel-spreader:
What is the difference? 
62 Condemnation:
What is "condemnation?"  What is "damnation?"
Can firstfruits condemn others?
Can one be condemned or damned by a firstfruit for leaving a physical church organization?
Can firstfruits condemn things?
What does the Bible say about judging and condemning others?
63 Gambling:
Is gambling a sin?  What is gambling?  Why is this subject so volatile?  Can a firstfruit buy a lottery ticket?  What does this subject teach us about good and bad theology?
64 What is our doctrine?  -discussion Two
Just how many doctrines do we have?
What are the subject headings for these doctrines?  That is, what is our doctrine about?
How are our doctrines constructed? 
Where do doctrines come from?  That is, who is the author of each one?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion

65 What is doctrine vs. a personal element of belief?
What is a personal element of belief?  How does it differ from doctrine?  Do we or can we have a personal element of belief within one of our doctrines?  How do we deal with differing personal elements of belief
66 1 Thessalonians 5:22: – “Abstain from all appearance of evil.”  
–Mistranslated, misapplied and often misunderstood scripture.
–What is the more correct rendering of this verse?  To whom is this scripture directed?
–How is it misused?  What is an “appearance of evil?”


Matthew 7:1 –Judge not, that ye be not judged
What is this verse saying?  Is ALL judging wrong?  Is there a right kind of judging?  If so, how is it done?
68 How Churches are Scattered 
Why it happens.  How it happens.  What to watch for.  What you can do.
69 What motivates a firstfruit to righteousness?
What motivates people in our church to start tithing and to keep the Sabbath, Holy days etc.?
70 Are you a member of a splinter group?
What is a splinter group?  Is the ICG a splinter group? 
71 Bible Studies
How are Bible studies conducted in the ICG? Can anyone in the ICG conduct a group Bible study in his or her home?  If not, why not?
72 It's All About Godly Calling
What is Godly Calling?  How does it work?  What decisions does the firstfruit get to make?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion

73 Little White Lies:
Is telling little white lies okay?  Isn't it a fact that God looks on the intent of the heart?  Aren't these lies permissible if their intent is to make someone feel better about themselves?
74 Are We Carrying on the Work of Herbert W. Armstrong?
Some churches are claiming to be carrying on the work of Herbert W. Armstrong.  Is this a valid claim?  What was the work of Herbert W. Armstrong?
75 The Gnostic Movement is alive and well in the Body of Christ.
What is the Gnostic movement?  What is the chief motivational factor that would draw one to this movement?  What are their beliefs and doctrines?
76 Is it the "Lord's Supper" or "Passover"?
Both terms are used.  Which is correct?  Is "Lord's Supper" a man-made term?  Is there more than one definition of the word, "Passover"?
77 "Final Place of Grooming"
Those who teach there is a place of safety often give the justification that it is a place of final spiritual grooming prior to the return of Christ.  Is this idea an example of good theology?  Is it spiritually logical?
78 Literature and tapes from other church organizations
Is getting literature and tapes from other church organizations a good idea?  What are the pitfalls?   What biblical imperative comes into play for the member?
79 Preparing for the Great Tribulation?
What should a firstfruit do in physical preparation for the Great Tribulation?  Should firstfruits be storing food and water?  How much?  What is the difference between stewardship and hoarding?  What role does faith play?
80 Who is Our Mission Field?
Our doctrine and constitution says much to our mission of spreading the gospel.  It says very little regarding to whom we are spreading it.  Who is our mission field?  What groups does God have us targeting?  What is our intention for each group?  What response are we hoping for with each group?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion

81 Prophecy vs. Prediction
What's the difference?  Was Garner Ted Armstrong a prophet?  What does a prophet do?  Does the ICG offer prophecy?  What is prediction? How is it used in the Work.
82 Deleavening of our Homes
What is just as important as putting the leaven out?
83 The Deleavening Process
How do I do it?  Why do we do it?  Where does the leavening go; where do we put it?  Why does God have us do this?  Is there only one way to do it?  Is there a spiritual aspect to this process?
84 Just Where Do I Stand God?
Does God let us know just where we stand?  Does He really love us?  Why did He call ME?  What is God offering me?  Will God lead me to truth?  Will He ever stop working with me?
85 True or False?..."Spiritual beliefs Ruin People?"
A person once claimed that spiritual beliefs ruined their parents.  Is this possible?  Can true spiritual beliefs destroy a firstfruit?  Can false spiritual beliefs destroy a firstfruit?  Can a firstfruit ever claim that a minister led him astray?
86 Are you a Victim of Spiritual Sabotage?
What is "spiritual sabotage"?  How does it happen?  What does the Bible say?  How can this enemy be overcome?
87 The Safest Place in the World
For the firstfruit, where is the safest place in the World?  Is it a place of safety?  Is it Godly protection right where you are or is it somewhere even more safe than these?
88 Christ:  What if Christ were returning in 30 Days?
What would you do?  What would you change about yourself?  What would your attitude be?  What does the Bible have to say on the subject?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion

89 "Time is Short"
What does this phrase mean?  Is it only talking about the impending return of Christ or is there another perspective for us to consider?
90 Obedience
What is obedience?  Is it just "being in obedience to the Law" or "being in obedience and submission to God and His authority.  Is there something more?  What does you Bible say?
91 Systematic Theology
What is Theology?  What is Systematic Theology?  Are firstfruits being judged on theology?
What is Good Systematic Theology?  What is Bad Systematic Theology.  How can we prevent bad theology in our lives?
92 The Deity of Christ
There are people in the World who firmly believe that Jesus is not God or part of the Godhead.  They say they have all kinds of scripture to back up this belief.  What would be your response to such a person?  Listen as I give you mine!!
93 "Go ahead, prove me wrong!!"
Has anyone ever said this to you?  When someone offers me a belief or doctrine contrary to mine, am I obligated to prove him wrong?  Can the minister or firstfruit convince anyone of anything?  What does the Bible mean when it uses the word "convince"?
94 What is a Nominal Christian?
What does this phrase mean?  If I label someone a nominal Christian, am I condemning him?  What is God's current thinking and attitude regarding false churches?
95 "Headquarters just isn't showing any leadership!"
Is this a valid complaint?  As a member of God's church, is there EVER an instance when we can legitimately bring this charge?  If one is bringing criticism against HQ, what spiritual elements are missing and/or not being considered?
96 May ICG Ministers sell Tupperware?
If the answer to this question is in the affirmative, what elements must be considered and adhered to?  Do the qualifications of a minister offer any guidance in this matter?

Menu of Topics with Answers and Discussion

97 Can a Minister Stand on a Soapbox?
Just how much may a minister use his position, the pulpit or the church to wax eloquent about politics, bills, petitions or political flashpoints such as human or animal rights?  May a minister express his personal admiration for some human being, such as a president and if so, how?  In this area, what is the advisable etiquette for a minister regarding e-mail and the Internet?
98 Qualifications of a Minister
Can they be wrongly used?  What is the purpose of the scriptural qualifications for ministers and deacons?  What is their design?  When are they to be used?  Can they be used to condemn anyone?
99 Where did the minister and the guy who puts up chairs come from?
Ever consider this question?  How does one become a minister in the Church of God?  Someone asked me the other day, "What steps does one have to take to become a minister?"  What do you believe was my answer?
100 Fellowship
What is fellowship?  What does the Bible have to say about Fellowship? With whom or what are we to have fellowship?  With whom or what are we to have no fellowship?  What are the benefits of Fellowship?
101 "Are You Following a Man?  ...a common accusation
Is this a valid accusation?  What does your Bible say?


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