Sermon: Quotes from My Ministry – Part 1
by Chris Cumming                                             printer-friendly     MP3

I encountered a book of quotes from an author of four books.  The quotes were all derived from the text of those four books.  I was intrigued with the concept and felt that it could be applied to my ministry.  Indeed, I have created more text than this author in the last eighteen years in the ministry.  This document will be a log of original quotes from hundreds of sermons and Bible studies.  Where possible, I will include links to any of those sources that are currently posted on the Internet.

I am doing this series of sermons for a number of reasons:
1] to create a tickler file into sermons you have heard from me.
2] to give you a checklist for your prayers, meditations and self-examinations.
3] to overwhelm you with the sure need for fervency, diligence, zeal and perseverance.





Sermon: Caleb—Apollos—James ...a sermon about bold confidence

“Be Bold and all the forces of God’s universe will come to your aid.”



Sermon: Extrication …a sermon about defeatism

God sees us through every valley we have to cross and He extricates us from the elements we find therein.



Sermon: Efficacy [ef-i-kuh-see] ...invoking the power of God

“Everything spiritual we learn and do is for the inner man.  The character of Christ is being built in the inner man.  Note that phrase from the commentary, "Personification of the principles of action by which a Christian is governed.  The "inner man" is totally different from the sensual man or what we call the carnal and corrupt nature of ourselves.  Indeed, the inner man is being developed by God in us to govern and overcome the carnal and corrupt nature of ourselves.”


Commitment to God

Sermon: Assiduity all actions, burdens and concerns to God 

Virtually every situation in your life can have a happy and joyous outcome if you invoke this commitment procedure.

Proverbs 16:3
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.


Decision making

Sermon: Cognation ...a sermon about determining the will of God 

To be in Cognation with God, we must have the same character, nature, function and thought.  We must have the same elements of will.  We know that God worketh all things after the counsel of his own will, so now we must determine what His will is and then begin making Godly decisions.”

“Decisions come to us each day.  This is God's plan for make decisions.  Each decision and collections of decisions lead us somewhere.”  



Sermon: Extrication …a sermon about defeatism

I can tell you right now that if a man enters into the valley of defeat with the expectation of defeat and/or an attitude that defeat is inevitable, then he is already lost.

“If it be God’s will for you, you will know success in what you put your hand, heart or mind to.”

How can one possibly be kind and tenderhearted to others if all that is coming out of his mouth is defeatism?”

“How can we possibly pray before the Living God if our mind is full of negativity and defeat?”

“Negative individuals are the opposite of boldness and they are always full of fear.”

End Time

Sermon: Final Checklist ...a checklist for the end time 

The five highest end time elements firstfruits will face 
1] Deception…
a method
2] False Doctrine…
the content of the deception
3] Brother Relations…
breaking down
4] Bitterness…
firstfruits falling from the faith
5] Coping with Shock…
mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually

…and what to do about all five:

The five highest end time elements firstfruits will face 
1] Deception…
a method…be fully immersed into the Word of God.

2] False Doctrine…
the content of the deception…be fully immersed into the Word of God.

3] Brother Relations…
breaking down…be not easily offended.  Take the wrong.  Resolve the issue.  Forgive. Lift up your brothers in the faith.  Cover their sins in the blood of Christ.

4] Bitterness…
firstfruits falling from the faith…avoid false doctrine.  Avoid vain jangling and debate.  Stay distant from those departing the faith and who no longer hear sound doctrine.  Displace bitterness and the root of bitterness by increasing amounts of the Holy Spirit.   Stay in the Salvation Process.

5] Coping with Shock…
mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually…invoke faith.  Know and understand what is coming and prepare yourself on all these levels.  Pray to God for strength, refuge and providence.



Sermon: F.D.Z.P. …a sermon about fervency, diligence, zeal and perseverance

“No one is going to attain Salvation without fervency, diligence and zeal.”


Sermon: Exculpate …a sermon about forgiveness

“We see that forgiveness is more than the declaration, ‘I forgive you.’  It involves action and a continual, lifelong process.  When we forgive someone, as God forgives us, it is forever.”

“The act of forgiveness is not a feeling, emotion or declaration to the offending party.  It is a process where the offense is utterly destroyed from the relationship.”

“Before either human can invoke the process of forgiveness, God must forgive us.  God forgives us generally and in each instance, specifically.  Then the offended must forgive the offender and finally, the offender must forgive himself.  Each forgiveness process invoked must be comprehensive.”


Giving everything in your life to God

Sermon: Efficacy [ef-i-kuh-see] ...invoking the power of God

“The more you give over to God, knowing nothing is too trivial for God, the stronger you will become.  This is part of what 2 Corinthians 3:18 states about us...going from ‘glory to glory.’  Each "glory" makes us stronger.”



Sermon: Absolutely!! ...a sermon about believing

“When we decide to believe in God, we must also decide to follow His ways.”


Sermon: Affinity …a serious sermon about kinship

“God wants our love, devotion, and reverence to Him to be pure and free from any improper mixture.”

God’s Desire for us

Sermon: Efficacy [ef-i-kuh-see] ...invoking the power of God

God wants us to be successful at all things.  God wants us to “see” the invisible God.  God wants us to put all things into His hands and then have success with each of them.”


Holy Spirit

Sermon: B & C …a sermon about Psalm 51:17 [broken and contrite heart]

It is not by our strength and/or devices that we change or are healed but by Almighty God working in and through us by Jesus Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Holy Spirit

Sermon: Double-down …a hands-on perspective to repentance

All holiness is accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

“By your firm conviction and your calling, you live in the Spirit.  By that power, you walk in the Spirit or produce fruit and good works.  The crucifixion of the flesh is a specific procedure you initiate by that Spirit.”

“If you are walking in the Spirit, you will not fulfil the lust of the flesh.  If you are in the Spirit you are in firm conviction.  If you are in the Spirit, you are in holiness.  If you are in the Spirit, you are constantly doubling down in repentance.”


Sermon: Expectation …a sermon about hope

“So, here we are, standing at the edge of a dark and foreboding forest that we call the end time and tribulation.


We will survive it.

We can go forth with boldness.

God has promised to save us.

Christ has told us He is with us.”



Sermon: Affinity …a serious sermon about kinship

“Improving ourselves should not be a goal.  It must be a constant and concerted action.”


Sermon: Efficacy [ef-i-kuh-see] ...invoking the power of God

“Invoke the Power of God.”



Sermon: Exit from Mudville ...the importance of joy

“Joy is more than a response to a pleasurable event. Joy is a religious emotion.  It is the natural outcome of fellowship with God.”


Kingdom of God

Sermon: Endeavor ...a sermon about Matthew 6:33

1] But seek ye first the Kingdom of God
a) Always ask God for the highest thing.
b) Ask for wisdom and knowledge.
c) Seek after good, right and truth before God.
d) Receive the Word of God.
e) Incline your ear unto Wisdom.
f) Cry after Knowledge.
g) Walk in the path of Judgment.
h) Honor God with your increase and tithes.
i) Labor after meat which endureth unto everlasting life.



Minister’s Notebook: “Little White Lies

“There is no such thing as a ‘little white lie.’  All lies are lying.”

Negative elements

Sermon: B & C  …a sermon about Psalm 51:17 [broken and contrite heart]

When you begin that journey of eliminating negative elements of your nature [by bringing in the good], you just may find yourself smiling in abundance because you are now seeing yourself, the world and righteous behaviors in a more perfect light.”


Overcoming Sin

Sermon: Bread Crumbs ...a sermon about spiritual purification

“Continue in the process of purging, cleansing and purifying yourself from sin.”


Overcoming Sin

Sermon: Claiming Victory …a sermon about sin

Getting sin out of our lives OR overcoming sin is one of the chief elements of the Salvation Process, which has as its goal, our entry into the Kingdom of God.”


“To enter into the Kingdom of God, with eternal life, we must overcome sin.”

If your ministers are true, listen carefully to the meat that they preach for in those true teachings are tools that will aid you in your Victory over sin.”



Sermon: Firstfruit Fundamentals …on Prayer

You are a child and heir of God.  You are a join-heir with Christ, so replace the awkwardness [of coming before the throne of God] with boldness and confidence.

“God has a plan. Everything that happens in this world is part of that plan. 

God is in charge and He has reasons for things happening the way they do. When we ask for something that falls in line with His plan and His goals for us RIGHT NOW, He'll give us what we ask RIGHT NOW. 
When we ask for something that we DON'T NEED RIGHT NOW, He may wait until the time is right. God is seldom early, but never late.”

Purpose/Will of God

Sermon: Arrows – Part 1 ...a sermon about Godly instructions 

We are to do all things according to the purpose of God.”

“In all our ways, we acknowledge the purpose and design He has assigned to everything He has made, commanded and in which He has become involved.  He sanctifies all these things.  It is actually these purposes…sanctification…that directs the path.  These are the arrows.”

Redeeming Time
[Ephesians 5:16]

Sermon: Are You Ready ...does God want us to be ready for something?  What?

We are to free up time from our bondage to this world.  If we are caught up in things that steal our precious time, we need to get rid of the actions or situations that are taking up that time.”

“The more time you purchase or take back, the more opportunities will automatically come your way.”


Sermon: Affinity …a serious sermon about kinship

Our religion cannot be defiled.  If it is, we will not be invited into the Family of God.


Sermon: Double-down …a hands-on perspective to repentance

“Manifest your holiness by repenting before God.” OR, “Manifest your holiness by fully obeying God.”

“Repentance signals the start of a changed and godly life. It involves a fully conscious recognition of one's sinful, lawless way of life, a way of life that is antagonistic toward God and His law, accompanied by a firm conviction to make a total change and to begin to live in full accord with God's way of life as described in the Bible.”

“To Double-down is to double or significantly increase one’s investment or commitment.”



Sermon: Effrontery …a sermon about Rudeness

“There is no room for rudeness or effrontery in God’s Church.”

“To those that would seek their own…cut it out.  Stop asking people for things and start exercising faith knowing that God already knows what you need and desire and if it be His will for you to have it, He will put that opportunity in the path of your brother and he will give it to you.”

“If we are following the example of Christ and being a living sacrifice in our service to others, rudeness doesn’t have an opportunity.”



Sermon:  The Finish Line ...a sermon about the assurance of the Kingdom 

To get to the finish line [of salvation], we must proceed according to Godly procedures.  We must do it His way.

Salvation Process

Sermon: Earn This ...a sermon about taking action in the salvation process

The entire purpose of the salvation process is to take you in transition from sinning character to the character of Christ.  To do this, you must engage the elements of the salvation process to that end. Earn this.”



Sermon: Firstfruit Fundamentals …on Prayer

You are justified and sanctified as long as you are a firstfruit in the Salvation Process.”



Sermon: Ascendancy  ...a sermon about governing or controlling influence 

To overcome sin, stop sin and destroy the temptation, go to the Bible.”

Vain Jangling [false doctrines]

Sermon: Chatter ...stopping/avoiding the vain jangling

Avoid vain jangling.  Stop the chatter.”

Spiritual chatter or chatter we hear in and around our journey to Salvation are false doctrines or any subject or situation designed by Satan to disrupt or destroy a church.”

“The true ministers are those preaching in close adherence to scripture.  The false ministers bring in their own false teachings.”

“The only way you can know if the minister or teacher is in close adherence to scripture is for you to be in close adherence to scripture.”



Sermon: A Glory to God ...a sermon about women       

If you want to make women second class citizens that is your choice, but you cannot use the Word of God to prove or support your contentions.” 

Word of God

Sermon: Full Immersion – Part 1 ...a sermon about the Word of God      

“Immerse yourself Fully, into the Word of God.” 


Sermon: 8% Real …a sermon about worry

Worries can actually choke the Word of God right out of our minds.”

Faith is key here for Worry wars against faith.  It gets between you and Faith and if it gets between you and Faith, it gets between you and God. Therefore, if one is always steeped in worry and getting further and further from God, WORRY BECOMES SIN.”

“Some have asked the difference between ‘worry’ and ‘concern’.  It is rather easy to tell these two elements apart:


Worry has no plans, only pain.  Concern has a plan of action and the added elements of boldness and energy.  Worry has no inherent energy; it saps energy.  Concern redeems the time; worry saps your time.  Worry is defeat.  Concern is a path toward triumph and success.


So cast away your worries and exchange them for Godly concern and you will know peace and joy.”


Your mind

Sermon: Ascendancy ...a sermon about governing or controlling influence 
“Take control of and responsibility for your mind.”

Your mind

Sermon: Claiming Victory …a sermon about sin

“By immersing ourselves into the Word of God, we transform our thoughts. We can actually use the words of God to combat the evil thoughts that enter our minds.  In doing so, we are overcoming sin.  We are putting it out of our lives.  We are gaining Victory over sin.”




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