Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

Tracking the Emerging Beast Power

By Chris Cumming       
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While America is seemingly sleeping or otherwise focused on its own internal problems and an upcoming election, an empire is being constructed in Europe.  The methods being implemented are not the same as empires we have witnessed from the past.  Empire-building, as I read one definition, is the inclination of countries to acquire resources, land and economic influence beyond their own borders in order to expand their wealth, size and power.  This is generally accomplished by a strong, charismatic leader leading huge armies and forcing empire by means of the sword.  Such empire-building is easy to spot and track.  Europe, however, is currently taking a different and rather unique approach to building what could easily prove to be one of the greatest empires of all time.

Europe is erecting their empire by means of consent rather than confrontation or use of the sword.  They present themselves as a structure for peace and security and a force for good in the world.  Their desire is to be a model for the rest of the world to emulate.  They see themselves as global players, engaging the world and being a leader in the spread of stability and democracy.  They are quietly extending their borders in an posture of mutual cooperation.  However all that they are doing is not easily tracked.

Everything is obscured in a complexity of treaties, think tanks, institutions, corporations, political parties, agencies and secret or innocent-looking agreements.  In addition, everything is happening in reverse order from what we witness in earlier empires   Instead of a dynamic leader, slowly gaining power, founding a political party, overcoming opposition, building the military, and then creating the empire by force, Europe is first creating the political and economic infra- structure of empire and instituting the laws that could be used by a dynamic leader coming along later.

Rather than attempting to bog you down with the complexities of each element of empire, which is their inherent design, I am going to construct the remainder of this Notebook piece as a tool you can use to track this final construction.  I will present these elements in four sets: 

1] the Treaties the evolved into empire.
2] the Governmental elements
3] the Enlargement elements
4] the Military elements

I will finish with What to Expect in and from Europe in the months and year just ahead.

Before you begin, watch this CNN news report with Lou Dobbs: click here

Key Players in Empire
Europeans see themselves as the world leaders of the 21st century.  They feel they are to be the political, economic and military model for the rest of the world.  Let me introduce you to some of the key players in empire and what they see for United Europe.

Mark Leonard
Mark Leonard is a British foreign policy thinker and the author of the book Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century. He is currently the Executive Director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a pan-European think-tank which was launched in October 2007


"But the next wave of European transformation is only just beginning. The European Union is starting to develop an enormous sphere of influence, extending way beyond its borders, that could be called the Eurosphere. This belt of eighty countries covering the former Soviet Union, the Western Balkans, the Middle East, North Africa, and Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 20 per cent of the world’s population."

Javier Solana
Dr. Javier Solana Madariaga is the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Secretary-General of both the Council of the European Union (EU) and the Western European Union (WEU).


“We do not start in a vacuum. The European Union is already a global player on the world stage. Europe is crucial in the formulation of the major trade policies, financial trends and monetary decisions. It is high time for Europe to become a more active and influential global power. We have to work for a stronger Europe better prepared to prevent instabilities, with a robust sense of solidarity. A Europe determined to play all its potential in the world.” ––1999
  "Where did we start? As a peace project among adversaries. What is our greatest accomplishment? The spread of stability and democracy across the continent. And what is our task for the future? To make Europe a global power; a force for good in the world."

Jim Cloos
Jim Cloos is presently Director in charge of Transatlantic Relations, Latin America, United Nations, Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism at the General Secretariat of the EU Council of Ministers and is a close collaborator of the High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana.


"The European Union has, over the years proved its worth as a structure for peace and security...But that is not enough to tackle global problems in an interdependent world. The EU must also become a serious actor on the global scene. And in order to do that, it must go beyond its traditional role as a major trading and economic power." — 2006

José Manuel Barroso
José Manuel Durão Barroso is a Portuguese politician and the 11th President of the European Commission, being the first Portuguese person to hold the post. He served as Prime Minister of Portugal from 6 April 2002 until 29 June 2004, when he resigned to become President-designate of the European Commission


"My message to you is that Europeans must focus on, and act in, the wider world. That is the kind of Europe which I, as the President of the Commission, want. An open Europe. A generous Europe, which spreads its drive and determination for change beyond its borders. A Europe which engages with the world, rather than trying to avoid it." — 2005

Robert Cooper
Robert Francis Cooper was a British diplomat until 2002 when he assumed the role of Director-General for External and Politico-Military Affairs at the General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union. He is responsible to Javier Solana, High Representative of the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy, and has assisted with the implementation of European strategic, security and defence policy.


"The postmodern, Europe answer to threats is to extend the system of co-operative empire ever wider. “I have no way to defend my borders but to extend them”, said Catherine the Great—and the European Union sometimes seems to be saying the same. This is, in fact, an exact description of the most natural security policy for a postmodern community of states. The wider the postmodern network can be extended, the less risk there will be from neighbours and the more resources to defend the community without having to become excessively militarized." — 2003

Valéry Giscard d’Estaing
Valéry Marie René Giscard d'Estaing is a French centre-right politician who was President of the French Republic from 1974 until 1981.


"If we succeed, in twenty-five years or fifty years—the distance separating us from the Treaty of Rome—Europe’s role in the world will have changed. It will be respected and listened to, not only as the economic power it already is, but as a political power which will talk on equal terms to the greatest powers on our planet, either existing or future, and will have the means to act to affirm its values, ensure its security and play an active role in international peace-keeping."— 2002

The pattern of all these statements is the same.  The EU is characterizing itself as a peace-loving and growing economic power who now sees an urgent need to take political and even international peace-keeping actions to ensure world stability.  Robert Cooper uses the term "co-operative empire."  Once this empire is fully established, could there be a major stimuli which will bring about military action or war by Europe?  Especially if there is another big war in the Middle East, which could threaten European oil supplies or a collapse of the global economic system.

This major stimuli [a threat to empire] could effect the immediate need for a strong leader to quickly take dictatorial powers and take swift action. 

An Empire Founded in Treaties
The United Europe we see today is the result of a series of treaties going back fifty-seven years.  The same pattern we witness above is reflected here.  What begins as humble economic cooperation has grown into a massive political power.

Treaty of Paris
Signed 1951 - Expired 2002

Established the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which subsequently became part of the European Union.

Treaty of Rome
Signed 1957

Established the European Economic Community (EEC)

Treaty of Brussels
Signed 1965
Replaced by Amsterdam Treaty in 1997

This treaty is regarded by some as the real beginning of the modern European Union. The term European Communities or EC also came into use from this time onward.


Maastricht Treaty
Signed 1992

Led to the creation of the European Union and introduced the Euro.


Treaty of Amsterdam
Signed 1997

Increased powers for the European Parliament and the beginnings of a common foreign and security policy (CFSP) and the reform of the institutions in the run-up to enlargement.


Treaty of Nice
Effective Feb 2003

Amended previous treaties to withstand the Enlargement of the European Union.

Treaty of Lisbon
Effective Jan 2009

Replaces the defunct EU constitution rejected by French and Dutch voters in 2005, will take effect in January 2009, enabling the EU to face up to the challenges of the globalization era more confidently.

Go here to see a timeline of the European Union treaties and structure.

Five years after the signing of the Treaty of Rome [1957], we were already forecasting what you are now seeing in the subsequent five treaties.

The Three Pillars of the EU
This co-operative empire is evolving in a step-by-step process.  This is demonstrated in the establishment of the three pillars of government in the Maastricht Treaty.  The three pillars divide all the policies of the union.  The first pillar contains the economic, social and environmental policies.  The second concerns itself with the security and military policies and the third is reserved for police and judicial matters.  The reason for the division has to do with supranational and intergovernmental principles.  That is, the member states were willing to turn over the economic, social and environmental policies to the central government [supranational] more readily than those concerned with military and judicial elements. Most of these remained with the individual member states [intergovernmental].  Time has passed however and with the Treaty of Lisbon, all these pillars are absorbed into the central EU government.  This will have a massive effect on what you will now see regarding possible military build-up and law making.

Treaty Headlines
Treaty Quotes
  • The [Lisbon] treaty provides that every person holding the nationality of a member state shall be a citizen of the EU, and that EU citizenship complements but does not replace national citizenship.  source
  • The EU hopes that with the completion of the new treaty, the bloc will now be able to focus on efforts to address regional and world challenges, enhance its role on the international stage, harden its position in global talks, and sell the so-called "EU mode" of principles and standards around the world.  source
  • The EU exists by virtue of the fact that countries agree to pool sovereignty in certain areas. source
  • "Europe now has the framework it needs to get moving again," Sarkozy said.  source
  • The  [Lisbon] treaty provides for a long-term president of the European Council of EU leaders, a stronger foreign policy chief, a simpler, more democratic decision-making system and more say for the national and European parliaments. source

Governmental Elements
Tracking the building of an empire requires a working knowledge of the governmental elements.  Movement can take place in any of these agencies. 


European Union

European Union - The European Union (EU) is a political and economic community of twenty-seven member states with supranational and intergovernmental features, located primarily in Europe. It traces its origins to the European Economic Community (EEC) formed in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome between six European countries. Since then the EU has grown in size through the accession of new member states and has increased its powers by the addition of new policy areas to its remit.

European Council

The European Council (referred to as a European Summit) is the highest political body of the European Union which meets around four times a year. It comprises the heads of state or government of the Union's member states along with the President of the European Commission.

European Commission

The European Commission (formally the Commission of the European Communities) is the executive branch of the European Union. The body is responsible for proposing legislation, implementing decisions, upholding the Union's treaties and the general day-to-day running of the Union.

European Court of Justice

The Court of Justice of the European Communities, usually called the European Court of Justice (ECJ), is the highest court in the European Union (EU). It has the ultimate say on matters of EU law in order to ensure equal application across the various European Union member states

European Parliament

The European Parliament (Europarl or EP) is the directly elected parliamentary body of the European Union (EU). Together with the Council of the European Union (the Council—not same as European Council above), it forms the bicameral legislative branch of the Union's institutions and has been described as one of the most powerful legislatures in the world.


Each element has its own origin as you backtrack its evolution out of the treaties.  Notice how many are known by different names, making tracking problematical.  What we are going to see take place, with increasing speed, is the movement from intergovernmental to the supranational.  This transition will be well in place when the strong leader, probably from Germany, takes center stage.  Notice this move to the supranational in a mid-2005 press release from the European Court of Justice:

"The Court confirms that the principle that national law must be interpreted in conformity with community law applies in the area of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters (16 June 2005)."

Governmental Elements Headlines
Governmental Elements Quotes
  • European Commission Vice-President Margot Wallstrom told deputies the treaty signed in December "strengthens Europe's democratic legitimacy".  source
  • And Europe's influence grows at America's expense. While America fumbles at nation-building, Europe spends its money and political capital on locking peripheral countries into its orbit.  source
  • EU recognized as world power. source
  • Global power is not limited to military might, and Europe still has the economic weight and soft power to effect changes. source
  • The new European Union generates about a quarter of the world's GDP and more than a fifth of global trade. It is already the biggest economic bloc in the world and the largest single market.  source

Enlargement of Empire
At the same time the EU is building supranational government, it is in the process of enlargement.  This is being accomplished on differing levels.  Some nations are being courted for full EU membership. Others are being encouraged and enticed into social and economic partnerships.  This includes virtually every nation with shores on the Mediterranean Sea including Israel.

Enlargement of the European Union Enlargement of the European Union is the political process for integrating countries into the European Union. The process of enlargement is sometimes referred to as European integration. However, this term is also used to refer to the intensification of cooperation between EU member states as national governments allow for the gradual centralizing of power within European institutions.

European Economic Community

The European Community (EC) is one of the three pillars [see above] of the European Union (EU) created under the Maastricht Treaty (1992) [see above]. Prior to that it was an independent supranational economic organization founded in 1957 by the Treaty of Rome. It is due to be completely absorbed by the European Union in 2009 if the Treaty of Lisbon comes into force.


European Economic Area

The European Economic Area (EEA) came into being on January 1, 1994 following an agreement between three member states of European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the European Community (EC), and all member states of the European Union (EU). It allows these EFTA countries to participate in the European Single Market without joining the EU.


The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (or Barcelona Process)

The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (or Barcelona Process) started in 1995 with the Barcelona Euro-Mediterranean Conference. It was organized by the European Union to strengthen its relations with the countries in around the Mediterranean [North Africa and Middle East].


European Free Trade Association The European Free Trade Association (EFTA) is a European trade bloc which was established on May 3, 1960 as an alternative for European states who were either unable to, or chose not to, join the then-European Economic Community (now the European Union).

Much like the governmental elements I presented above and the military elements below, each has differing points of origin among the treaties.  However, notice that all these elements have one overriding purpose and that to absorb all institutions into one centralized base of power. 

Enlargement of Empire Headlines
Enlargement of Empire Quotes
  • The EU, he notices, has become closely involved in the affairs of the fledgling Palestinian state. Israel, Lebanon and Jordan are all culturally close to Europe, and might also be tempted to join.  Many in Ukraine, too, are warming to EU membership. And if Ukraine joins, what is to stop the EU from reaching as far as Belarus, or even Russia itself?  source
  • The bloc "would have a mission to reunite Europe and Africa around the countries along the Mediterranean rim and to set up a partnership on an equal footing between the countries" north and south of the sea, they said. source
  • The Mediterranean Union would have increasing involvement with the EU, eventually sharing common institutions with it. source
  •  Israel, Lebanon and Jordan are all culturally close to Europe, and might also be tempted to join. Many in Ukraine, too, are warming to EU membership. And if Ukraine joins, what is to stop the EU from reaching as far as Belarus, or even Russia itself? source
  • The EU already covers 450 million citizens, but beyond them there are another 1.5 billion people in about 80 countries umbillically linked to the EU through trade, finance, foreign investment and aid.  source

Military Elements
In my opening statement, I said that the European Union is being assembled in a complexity of institutions, corporations and political parties  That is, each modular piece is being put together in multiple locations for quick assembly when the time is right or when an outside catalyst compels everything coming together as one.  This is abundantly demonstrated in the next table.  All these agencies are building parts of a huge military infrastructure.  When Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, millions of men immediately signed up for military service.  What we will witness in Europe will make the 1941 American mobilization pale by comparison.  When Europe's millions come forth, a massive infrastructure will already be in place. 

In 2006, the EU was second in military expenditures only to the US.  Click here to see a list of countries and federations by military expenditures.  The EU spent three-hundred billion in military spending in 2006 or half what the US did.  However, notice that NATO's spending exceeded eight-hundred billion for the same period and much of that hardware is in Europe.  There is already talk of NATO being absorbed by the EU.  Seemingly overnight, the EU could become the greatest military power in modern history.  Also keep in mind that though the US outspent the EU at a rate of two dollars to one in 2006, the US is spending its substance in a prolonged and costly war [more than 275 million a day].


Western European Union

The Western European Union (WEU) is a partially dormant European defence and security organization, established on the basis of the Treaty of Brussels of 1948 with the accession of West Germany and Italy in 1954.  It was founded with ten member nations.  Notice their flag at the top of this page with its ten stars.

European Defence Agency

The European Defence Agency (EDA) is an agency of the European Union based in Brussels. It is a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) body set up on 12 July 2004, reporting to the Council of the European Union. The EDA serves all European Union member states except Denmark, which has an opt-out of issues relating to defence.

European Security and Defence Policy

The European Security and Defence Policy or ESDP is a major element of the Common Foreign and Security Policy pillar of the European Union (EU). The ESDP is the successor of the ESDI under NATO, but differs in that it falls under the jurisdiction of the European Union itself, including countries with no ties to NATO.

Military of the European Union

The European Union is not a state and as such does not have its own dedicated military forces. There are a number of multi-national military and peacekeeping forces which are ultimately under the command of the EU. An early attempt (1952) to form a European Defence Community failed, but since then many politicians, including Guy Verhofstadt and Nicolas Sarkozy, promised to create a European military.

European Union Battle groups

European Union battlegroups (EU BGs) are military forces of 1500 combat soldiers under the control of the European Union. There are currently fifteen, mostly multi-national groups who rotate actively so that two are ready for deployment at any one time. The battlegroups reached full operational capacity on 1 January 2007.

Overseas interventions of the European Union.

Since 2002 the European Union has become increasingly active abroad under the European Security and Defence Policy. As of November 2007, it has engaged in sixteen operations, using civilian and military instruments in several countries in three continents (Europe, Africa and Asia).

European Union Force

EUFOR or European Union Force is a term used to describe European Union military deployments.


Eurocorps is a force which consists of up to 60,000 soldiers drawn from the armies of Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and Luxembourg. It is independent of any other military command although it can be placed under the command of international organizations.


Eurofor is a multinational rapid reaction force composed of forces from France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. It has a permanent staff capable of commanding operations, involving commitments of up to a Light Division in size.


Even as I write, a news story has come over the presses from German Foreign, "German presence in the Middle East increasing".  The Germans are securing a position in the Middle East.  Who is there to stop them?

The rise of a new European Empire is a very complex subject.  This is why we are providing you with this tool for tracking these events in the EU as they happen. Rest assured that we are monitoring all these agencies and elements on a daily basis and posting all revenant stories here Empire Europe is now being assembled.  The Treaty of Lisbon is the document that brings it all together.

Military Elements Headlines
Military Elements Quotes
  • Five former Western military leaders have called for the formation of a joint EU-NATO 'directorate' in order to co-ordinate the two bodies' response to any threats to global security. source
  • EU defense ministers have increased the European Defence Agency's annual budget by one third in a bid to improve the bloc's military performance.  source
  • Germany adopted the most radical restructuring of its forces in 45 years yesterday, paving the way for more German peacekeepers to serve across the world.  source
  • “Europe has created the conditions to take on a greater responsibility for global security and thus contribute to a world that is more secure,” it says.  source
  • By conspicuously adopting a mediating role between Tel Aviv and Arab forces, Germany is at the same time laying the basis for enhancing its positions in the Near East. source
  • The European Union is sending in a police and military intervention force into Kosovo in derogation of Serbia's sovereignty and in violation of of international law.  source
  • Paris, France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy plans to create an elite defence group of the EU’s six biggest member states once the Lisbon treaty comes into force next year  source

What To Expect
I will make it simple.  Focus on two areas: Germany and the Vatican.  Both will take sudden action regarding Muslim immigration and/or the increasing unrest and threat of nuclear war in the Middle East.  Either event could be the one that produces the new powerful leader in Europe.

Everything about this new European Empire [Eurosphere] is total integration [economically, socially, politically and militarily].  Everything Muslim is totally against EU integration.  Indeed, they want the entire EU to move to Muslim integration.  Two gigantic forces meeting head-to-head and something will have to give.  I have been predicting since June of 2005 that the Pope will call for a new, modern-day Crusades.  These events could be just ahead.

What to Expect Headlines
What to Expect Quotes
  • I believe the 21st century will come to be seen as the "new European century." Not because the EU will run the world, but because the European way of doing things will become the world's.   source
  • By keeping a low profile at home and working through international structures, Europe has managed to spread its wings without attracting much hostility. As it becomes a force to be reckoned with on the world stage, it can act in the same way.  source
  • EU membership is such a powerful lure that countries will revamp their legal, judicial and political systems just to join. source
  • ...once drawn into the Eurosphere of law and institutions, countries are changed forever - and they never want to get out. source
  • This is the "Eurosphere" — Europe's growing zone of influence. Through continued enlargement and the EU's new neighborhood policy, nearly a third of the world's population has come under the influence of a zone of peace, prosperity and democracy.  source
  • A study commissioned by Germany’s Interior Ministry warns that 180.000 of the country’s 3 million Muslims are willing to commit violence in the name of Islam.  source
  • The Muslim Council of Britain says perceptions of Islam are so negative there is now a danger people's minds will be poisoned against Muslims as they were against the Jews in Germany in the 1930s.  source
  • ...the EU will find itself sandwiched between the US, which supports Kosovo’s right to independence, and Russia, which insists Kosovo cannot secede if the Serbs say so.  source
  • By conspicuously adopting a mediating role between Tel Aviv and Arab forces, Germany is at the same time laying the basis for enhancing its positions in the Near East.  source


Flag of the Holy Roman Empire EU insignia Vatican City Coat of Arms


Breaking News Stories
Go here for the latest news stories on this subject.

Why Europe Will Run the 21st Century   by Mark Leonard
Belief that the 21st century will become a century in which the current European way of doing things will become dominant in the world.

Fascism is difficult to recognize because it is so poorly understood and because its nature is masked behind collective denial. ––Modern Fascism, by Gene Edward Veith, Jr., p.25.
Quote by Garner Ted Armstrong:
"That there will be ten nations united together in a super-dictatorship in Central Europe, probably called a 'United States of Europe' by the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, there can be no doubt."
                                                                                                                                   ––from "Can You Understand Bible Prophecy"




Global Power Europe
EU constitution

The Treaty of Paris

Treaty of Rome
Brussels Treaty
The Maastricht Treaty
Amsterdam Treaty
Treaty of Nice
Treaty of Lisbon


European Union

Three Pillars of the European Union
European Commission
European Council
European Parliament

Enlargement and Economic

European Neighborhood Policy
Mediterranean Union
Center for European Reform
Enlargement of the European Union
Euromediterranean Partnership

Barcelona Process
German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

Military and Security
European Defence Agency
The European Defence Agency

Military of the European Union
Western European Union [WEU]
European Security and Defence Policy
Military of the European Union
European Union Battle groups
Overseas interventions of the European Union



Photos top:
Left:  Eurocorps coat of arms [military]
Center:  Flag of the Western European Union  .  Notice the ten stars representing the ten founding nations of the WEU.
Right: Eurofor Coat of Arms [rapid reaction force]
Photos bottom:
Left:  Flag of the Holy Roman Empire
Center: EU insignia
Right:  Vatican City Coat of Arms

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