Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association


"Where did the minister and the guy who puts up chairs come from?"              MP3                                                               

I often receive e-mails with inquiries asking about how one becomes a minister.  Very interesting question and one often misunderstood.  In one recent e-mail, the man asked, "What steps does one have to take to become a minister?".

Actually there are NO steps to take to become a minister OR any other position in the church, even the guy who puts up the chairs or the lady on the potluck committee.

Here is how it all works:
On the part of the individual:

God calls the individual to the Body of Christ and the organization for a purpose.
He gives the talents this person has from birth.
He gives the knowledge, wisdom and intellect from birth.
He moves [inspires] the person to want to serve.  Service is a fruit of the Spirit.

On the part of the church/ministry:

God calls these individuals to the Body of Christ and the organization for a purpose.
He gives the talents to the leaders, Board members and ministry from birth.
He gives gifts and talents to these individuals as they are placed or anointed into positions or ministry.
He gives the knowledge, wisdom and intellect from birth.
The Holy Spirit guides and inspires the leaders and ministry in their duties, including the selection of men for the ministry.
Leaders, Board members and ministry were put in their positions by those who came before by the same process.
Each situation is a process and takes time. God is in control of each step of the process and runs it on His timetable.

God moves/guides/inspires the member to volunteer to set up chairs or help with the potluck.  God moves/guides/inspires the ministry to find members of the flock to work in the ministry as deacons, deaconesses, local elders or ministers of Jesus Christ.

The qualifications we see in the Bible for deacon (1 Timothy 3:8-13) and minister (1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) are things that guide the ministry in the final selection of the individual.  Virtually all of those qualifications are things the member is dealing with and attaining within the Salvation Process.  This is clearly so if God is guiding and has selected the person for a position and/or ordination.

Long church history and experience has shown that if someone is somehow desperately seeking position or ordination, such a person should not be ordained or put in that position.  Deacons almost always are doing the work of a deacon long before the ordination happens.  Same for the other positions in and outside of the ministry.

Future ministers usually show some talent in the area of speaking and have had a speaking credential for some time before God inspires the church/ministry to look at that man for the ministry.  There are other factors, such as health, appearance, comportment, attitude, verbal expression [how they communicate] and their invoking of the fruits of the Holy Spirit including love, peace, forgiveness, meekness, longsuffering, patience, faith and compassion.  Another factor is how the person interacts with others.

So what recommendations do I offer to those desiring [not actively seeking] the ministry or some other position of service?  Immerse yourself in the Word of God and apply yourself to the elements of the Salvation Process.  God will take care of all the rest.

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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas