Money is a necessary part of life on earth. There is no
getting around the use of and the need of money short of going off into
the wilderness and getting completely off the grid.
For a true Christian, money is merely a tool. Our primary focus is all
the responsibilities God gives to us and all the Godly principles that
relate to money, riches and possessions. Money is a training ground to
learn about stewardship, tithing, giving, saving and providing for
ourselves and our families. With money we learn how to avoid greed, envy
and jealously. With money we learn about relationships with our spouse,
our family, our friends, the government, the church and with Almighty
Money is, in no way, to be a ruler in our lives. We control it. We do
not allow money or the lack of money to control our lives. We control
money by controlling our lives, our environment and our possessions. Our
stewardship of money, our bills and finances, our possessions and our
lives defines what role money should play throughout our lives. We are
to control money physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Money is merely a tool by which we carry out Godly responsibilities and
Money pays for our essential needs. We control money by controlling and
managing our needs. Most individuals in the Western World [US,
Canada, Australia, and countries in Europe] tend to live
right up to the limits of the available money. Indeed, most of those
populations live beyond the limits of available money by going into debt
with loans and credit card debt. Living right up to the limits of one's
income and/or living with debt is money controlling your life. This is
to be avoided.
Proverbs 22.7
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the
Matthew 18:23-25
23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which
would take account of his servants.
24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed
him ten thousand talents.
25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be
sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be
Now that is bondage. We want to avoid bondage by being a good steward of
See the
Minister Notebook pieces:
Advice to a Teenager
Simplify Your Life!!
Abundance Through Stewardship |