Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Church   ...Does Mr. Armstrong believe that his church is the only true church?
subject heading for this piece is Church

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SUBJECT:   The Church


QUESTION:  Does Mr. Armstrong believe that his church is the only true church?  Does he believe that all the Protestant churches are false?




First, Mr. Armstrong has NEVER stated that the church he leads is the only true church.


Second, we do not necessarily have to state that ANY other church is false. You can do that for yourself.  What does logic tell you?  We have some 200 Protestant denominations in the Christian world.  Many of them believe that THEY are the only true church.  The doctrines of these churches differ widely.  They are DIFFERENT from each other.  Would God support such massive differences?


All you have to do to determine if a church is false or not, is to determine if what they teach is from the Word of God or not.  If what they preach is not founded in the Bible, then they are a FALSE church.  I do not have to point this out to you.  Do your own work, but remember this.


The plan of God is this: Whatever the truth is, the plan of God is that everyone who has ever lived (even the Buddhist, Hindus, Muslims, etc.) will have their opportunity to know all truth, have access to the Holy Spirit, enter the Salvation Process and if successful there, enter the Kingdom of God with eternal life.


Now, to help you in your own investigation:


Does the church you are investigating:


Keep Sunday as a day of worship?  Sunday is not supported in the Word of God.


Believe in the rapture?  The rapture is not supported in the Word of God.


Believe that the Law and Commandments are done away?  This idea is not supported in the Bible.


Believe that Jesus died on Friday and rose on Sunday?  This is in no way supported in the Bible.


Keep Christmas or Halloween or Easter?  None of these are supported nor commanded in the Bible


Refuse to keep the Holy Days as listed in Leviticus 23?   These Holy Days are still in effect according to the Bible.


Believe that you go to heaven when you die?   This idea is not supported in the Bible.


Believe that you have an immortal soul?  This idea is not supported in the Bible.


Believe that once saved, you are always saved?  This idea is not supported in the Bible.


Allow the eating of pork, shellfish and other unclean meats as listed in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14?  Then this church is in violation of the Law of God.


Have pictures of what is supposedly Jesus?  Having photos or statues of Jesus is not supported in the Bible.


Believe in evolution or that God used evolution to bring us what we have today?  Evolution is not supported in the Bible.


If the church you are investigating believes in and/or teaches any of the above---it is not a true church of God.


Study this for yourself.


Letter Answering Department Survey homepage


Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas