Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Jesus Christ   ...what happened to His Spirit while He was human?
  MP3     subject heading for this letter is  Jesus Christ

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QUESTION:  What happened to His spirit while He was human?  Can God destroy spirit?




As you know, the Bible is a guidebook for Salvation.  It does not tell us every little mystery of God, Jesus and the cosmos.  The Work of the Church is to spread the gospel and feed the flock.  It is difficult to explain what God has not revealed.  He has not revealed everything.


Following is Mr. Armstrong's response after being given this question:


“The Member of Divine Elohim who ‘emptied Himself’ and became ‘of no reputation’ and was born of the Virgin Mary did not cease to exist. The Divine Spirit whom we know of as "Jesus Christ" has always existed. He exists in the macrocosm, and in the microcosm. As a Spirit Being, He BECAME the physical manifestation of the little baby developing in Mary's womb. There was never a time when He did not exist.


“We need not intrude into spiritual mysteries which are sometimes obscure to our human physical minds in order to receive salvation. Paul said ‘now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face.’ God does not reveal to us every possible spiritual secret which he keeps to Himself, and it is useless for our physical minds to attempt to reason out, and place in each little appropriate niche, all spiritual things. We are utterly incapable of doing this. God has not revealed all.  He has revealed all that is necessary.”  --end quote from Mr. Armstrong--


Clearly this is true.  God has not revealed:


1) How Christ created the Universe.

2) How large the Universe is.

3) What it is like to be a Spirit being.

4) What it is like to exist outside of time.

5) Where the bottomless pit is.

6) What it is like to have eternal life.

7) What we are going to do as Spirit beings for eternity.

8) How the planet earth will be with the addition of New Jerusalem which is 1,500 miles high.

9) How many galaxies, stars and planets there are in the Universe.

10) What Jesus did in heaven after the resurrection and how He got back so fast to meet Mary on the road (about 1/2 hour after He had first spoken to her).

11) Will humans in the Millennium be able to see Spirit beings at all times.

12) How a newly formed Spirit being (just changed from human at the return of Christ-1 Corinthians 15:52) can rise up into the air to meet Christ and use all these newly gained Spiritual powers.

13) Whether spirit can be destroyed and if so, why doesn't He destroy Satan and the demons when their time comes.

14) When Christ will return.


Clearly, we will know the answers to all these questions in due time.  Nothing will be a mystery.  It will also make absolute sense. Mr. Armstrong is correct, it will take a fully spirit mind to comprehend and understand all these things.


The most encouraging element to all this is that we do not need this knowledge; we do not need these answers to obtain Salvation and entrance into the Kingdom of God and eternal life.


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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas