Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Garden of Eden ...why did God place it in Satan's World                  
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SUBJECT:  Garden of Eden


QUESTION:  Why did God put the Garden of Eden in Satan’s World?




God crated the Garden of Eden in Satan's world for the same reason that Jesus took the disciples to the Decapolis (specifically Caesarea Philippi) just before His final trip to Jerusalem to die.  You read about this in Matthew 16, beginning in verse 13.


God wants to add to His family.  Now He could just create beings; He had already done that, but 1/3 had rebelled.  The best way to be able to add to His family is to have these individuals develop their own character of being like Christ, being repentant and overcoming sin.  This is why He created man.


You are probably familiar with Jesus taking Peter aside and saying to him that "on this rock will I build my church".  Now clearly, in one spiritual sense He is referring to Himself; that the church would be built on the foundation of Christ.  However there is another meaning and it all has to do with WHERE He tells Peter about the church....the Decapolis.  The area around Caesarea Philippi was the most pagan place on the planet at that time.  They worshipped the god Pan there and while Jesus is there with the disciples, one could see the statues to Pan all through the rocks there.


Also at Caesarea Philippi are the headwaters of the Jordan.  They come out of a rock cave.  The word "hell" means the grave or the earth.  It was believed by the pagans that the gods would go down into hell during the winter and emerge in the spring to bring a bounty of crops and increase.


Jesus takes Peter down by the river and as one can see, to this day, the banks of the river were huge slaps of rock.  Jesus says to Peter...


Matthew 16:18
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Now Jesus could have offered this declarative statement at any time in the 3.5 years He was with them, but He chose to do it here, in the most pagan area around. 


Why?  And what did He mean, "the gates of hell would not prevail against it?"


He was telling Peter, by referring to the rock, that He would build His church in the place of sin (meaning the whole world).  This is where sin and rebellion originated and it is where it MUST be overcome by the beings God created to build righteous character.  Beings who go through this process will not rebel from God after they are spirit beings in His Kingdom.


When God calls a person to the truth, He calls them to repentance of sin, baptism and the laying on of hands to receive the power of God, the Holy Spirit (Hebrews 6).  With this power, they enter the Salvation Process (see definition) and if successful there, enter into the Kingdom of God with eternal life.  Everyone who has ever lived will get this opportunity.  Clearly some will fail.  Many will succeed.  In the Salvation Process, one must overcome sin.  Go back to the "gates of hell" statement:


In those days of Jesus and before, cities were often built in such a way as to protect themselves from those who would attack from the outside.  The city would be surrounded by a high wall and there would be a gate system.  This usually was a tunnle in the wall with a gate at each end.  On both sides of the tunnel were rooms, usually 3 on each side.  These would be filled with soldiers.  It would be hard, therefore, for attackers to make it into the city with massive amounts of soldiers hitting you from both the right and left.


Those in the city are Defenders.  Those on the outside, ATTACKING, were the conquerors.  Why does Jesus say the gates of hell would not prevail against the church?  Why not say that the church would defend against the wiles and attacks of Satan?  Simple:  WE ARE TO BE ON THE OFFENSIVE WHEN IT COMES TO OVERCOMING SIN AND THE DECEPTION OF SATAN.  Satan is to be in the gates, not us! 


This is why God put the garden of Eden in Satan's world and why Jesus began His church from the most pagan place in the world at that time.

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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas