Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Food and Medicines   ...what do you have regarding food, diets and medicines?
MP3     the subject heading for this letter is Food

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SUBJECT:  Food and Medicines


QUESTION: What do you have regarding food, diets and medicines?




I brought this question to the attention of Mr. Armstrong. He told me that we, as a church cannot get into the activity of giving a seal of approval or having a "Thus saith the Lord" doctrine or statement for every aspect of diet, foods, clothing, possessions, pastimes, hobbies and the like.  He said that the command is not to eat unclean things.  He stated that Christ spoke of how we inadvertently eat dirt, which is then "cast out into the draught" (Matthew 15:17), and which does not contaminate the man.  He said that back in the 50's people investigated everything from soda crackers to aspirin; from Jell-O to synthetics in fabrics which resulted in church members causing scenes in restaurants and clothing stores.  Such should not be the case.


He says that there is no way to know the content of every capsule containing food supplements and vitamins is made of.  We do our best and make our own decisions.  This is covered by Paul in Romans 14.  That chapter talks about the fact that church members are all different and may have different opinions about all these subjects but that we are to accept our brothers..


Verse 3 Let not him that eateth despose him that eateth not; and let not him which eateth not judge him that eateth: for

God hath received him.


Verse 14 says in part...but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.


Verse 5 says in part...Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.


Verse 17 says For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and the joy in the Holy Spirit.


Verse 17 does not do away with the command not to eat unclean things but states that if we put all our time into every

little physical issue we will miss the issues of righteousness and the Work and the spreading of the gospel.


So regarding  items we could mention.


Insulin (the kind made from pork)----------use some not made from pork

Jell-O (some use pork gelatin)----------------use the kind without pork

Shark Cartilage (for arthritis)--------------use another treatment for arthritis

Calcium (supplements made from oyster shell)---------use another source of Calcium


Another point: having worked in the food industry for a time, I can tell you that the government allows certain amounts of insects, dirt, impurities, and all kinds of chemicals in our food.  Add to this the fact that this whole planet's eco-system is breaking down and degenerating.  I doubt David or Moses would recognize anything you and I call food today.  This is why we ask God to bless the food we overcome these things.


Another point: Leavening is everywhere in the air we breath even during the Days of Unleavened Bread.  I would not want to see members remaining in a super filtered air space for the whole week.


The point is that we each must individually do the best we can but not let it become an obsession or something that eats up all our time that could be best given to Spiritual matters.  Maybe Mr. Armstrong said it best in his answer to me...


"We don't have any literature on medicines, or food supplements, or blood transfusions, or implants, or insulin, or cortisone, or hip replacements, or liver transplants, or....Been too busy preaching the gospel.  Love, GTA"


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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas