Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Days   ...What is the origin of the names of days?
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SUBJECT:     Days


QUESTION:  What is the origin of the names of days?




Found some sites on the Internet that talk about origins of days: The Seven-Day Week and the Meaning of the Names of the Days Origin of the Seven Days of the Week Our Seven-Day Week  Week-day names The Days of the Week Names of the Days of the Week.

Saturday: This day is named after the Norse god Saturn.

Sunday: Germanic, day of the sun.

Monday: Germanic, day of the moon.

Tuesday: Tiu or Tiw from Tyr the Norse god of war.

Wednesday: from Odin or Woden the Norse god.

Thursday: from the Norse god Thor.

Friday: from Frigg the Norse goddess of love.  Venus.


Source: American Heritage Dictionary and gleanings of the above sources.


Letter Answering Department Survey homepage


Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas