Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Church  ...why would God allow error in the church?       
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SUBJECT: Error in the church

QUESTIONS: Why would God allow a church or individual to believe a false doctrine?  One example would be the idea the church once held on Church Eras.  Why would God allow such error?



There are a number of elements you might consider when you ask, "Why would God allow a church or individual to believe a false doctrine".


1) Churches like individuals in that church are human and far from perfect.  The Bible does not say that a church or individual will have perfect knowledge or all knowledge the first day, first year or even in this lifetime.  Salvation and coming to be perfect and have perfect knowledge is a PROCESS.  God works with the church and with the individuals within that process.


2) Look at the letters of Paul.  Were those churches perfect?  Did they have all truth?  Were there any false doctrines in those churches that Christ and later the apostles established?  Clearly there were.  The Word of God is perfect but the church is a physical growing organism.  Growth is a Process.


3) This particular doctrine was not one that impacted on one's individual salvation.  That is, this specific "doctrine" was one that attempted to clarify prophecy and church history.  It was not important to our personal salvation.  Holding this "doctrine" would not keep us from salvation.  It was not a "false doctrine" where "false" meant or referred to apostasy.  The definition of apostasy is when the church leaders knowingly and with evil intent teach something they know to be wrong, evil or in error.  The eras "doctrine" or teaching was sincerely taught as being right, that is, those that taught it believed it to be true and sound.  There was no evil intent.


4) More importantly, the church, within the bounds of the growth process, found the error and corrected it.  The doctrine is not taught in most of the churches that make up the Body of Christ.  If fact, the church used to put out a reprint article, "7 Proofs of God's Church".  One of the proofs listed was the fact that the church corrects error.


These elements should give you a beginning of things to consider. 

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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas