Las Vegas, Nevada Church
Affiliated with the Intercontinental Church of God and the Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association

 Letter Answering Department Survey:  Godly Calling   ...How do I know I am being called?
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SUBJECT:  Godly Calling
 QUESTION:  How do I know I am being called?
Many do not realize that Godly Calling is a miracle.  It is not like a person answering a ringing phone.  That is, it is not a choice of the one being called.  There is a reason for this and why Godly Calling is a miracle.  There is no such thing as God calling and the human somehow missing the call.  God wants to give man a full opportunity into the Salvation Process and to leave man with no excuse for missing salvation.  We can understand this being a miracle by looking ahead to the Second Resurrection in which God will resurrect everyone who has ever lived, but never been called.  Can you imagine Godly Calling being a decision or a response?  What would God do if hundreds of thousands missed the call?  What would He do with these humans?
 Everyone who has ever lived gets one and only one opportunity to be in the Salvation Process.
 The miracle is God placing the individual in the Salvation Process.  Once there, they have only two choices in life:  Obey or not.  Stay in the process or fall away from it.
 Now to your question about knowing whether you are being called.  Part of the answer is in what we discuss above.  You know you are being called with you are undenyingly drawn to that process.  We have a section of the EA web site that was designed specifically for one who feels he or she is being called.  It is here:
 The definition of the Salvation Process is here:
 See also, "It's All About Godly Calling"


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Las Vegas, Nevada Church of God - part of The Intercontinental Church of God and The Garner Ted Armstrong Evangelistic Association - Tyler, Texas