'How To' Instructions in Righteousness       printer-friendly


Each of the elements you study here are part of a greater whole.  None stand alone.  As you study the first element, keep in mind that it is just one part and must be added to the next and the next until you see the a full model of Righteousness.  Once you begin approaching this "greater whole", remember that Righteousness is a fruit of the Spirit and therefore is infinite. 

You will readily see that every element is connected to all the others.  They dovetail and are all part of a single array. 

The hope here is that as you begin to master each element and put them together in your heart and mind, making them both habit and part of your character, you will find the path approaching Righteousness easier to travel.

See Minister Notebook piece, "What Motivates a Firstfruit to Righteousness?"
See Bible definition of "Righteousness"? by Garner Ted Armstrong

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