Topics - Page 4


Kingdom of God:  Authority vs. Character:

How will God rule Earth for the 1,000 years?
How will He rule the firstfruits?
How will He and God, the Father rule the Kingdom of God after the 1,000 years and White Throne Judgment?


Legalism:---what is it?  Is the ICG legalistic?  Is the entire Church of God legalistic?


Newly revealed knowledge:

What is it?
How is it imparted?
What is usually given?
Has Chris Cumming ever received such knowledge?


Prophecy:  How do we interpret prophecy?

What is the purpose of prophecy?  What do we need to know now?  How do we prove prophecy?  Is knowledge of prophecy required for Salvation?


Prophecy:  The battle of Prophecy vs. The Salvation Process.  The battle for your time and your mind.

Have you ever seen someone obsessed with prophecy?


Prophet vs. Gospel-spreader:

What is the difference? 


Song service and prayer:

Why do we have the opening prayer AFTER the song service?  Doesn’t it sound more logical to enclose everything we do within prayer?


Root of Bitterness:  What is it?

Confusion might exist because the phrase has been used two different ways in the church.